Theatre Guide Dog: Week 6
THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG prophesies theatre to come. And is having suspicious food cravings. WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?
Loosen your belts, Consumers of Culture, for the veritable feast of thespy ingestables spread before you. Speaking of stomachs, get your last fillings before the gooey delights of…
…sorry about that, before the gooey delights of premature Christmastime theatre…
…Christmastime theatre descend upon us. Don’t know what’s up with me this week. Should really get this…
Naked Stage 13th November only
Get a power trip this evening and “be part of the art” as the ADC so compellingly urges you. Deign to let five writerly types place their writerly sacrifices at your princely audience feet.
ADC, 7pm £5-6
Corpus Smoker 14th November only
Just like the funnies at the ADC, but you’re closer to the comedians’ brains when the jokes come out. Featuring people from Norwich this week.
Corpus, 9.30pm, £5-6
East 15th-19th November
Hey, we haven’t had any Berkoff for like TWO WHOLE YEARS. Roll over, Pinter and Stoppard, the scary playwrights are here. “Sex and fury” is deliciously promised. Be cross if it isn’t there for you to lap up eagerly.
Corpus Playroom, 7pm £5-6
FRESHER: The Musical 15th-19th November
If you can’t palate the idea of actual freshers flaunting their shiny unjaded eagerness this week, you can go see some people pretend to be freshers instead. If you’re willing to steel your stomachs and pretend that you remember your Freshers’ Week as some sort of tuneful, pleasant experience that ended in people pairing off into relationships, that is.
Pembroke New Cellars, 7pm £5-6
A Midsummer Night’s Dream 15th-17th November
Get your weekly dose of Bardy Goodness, you’ll grow up big and strong. Though size is not necessarily directly proportional to good taste, mind.
Uppercroft, John’s School of Pythagoras, 7:30pm £4-6
Oedipus: Where Three Roads Meet 15th-19th November
The final dregs of the endless Greek cuisine, thanks to Michaelmas being Tragedy Term for English third years. But metatheatrical re-working might be just the spoonful of sugar to help the incest go down.
Queens’ Fitzpatrick, 7:30pm £5-6
Tartuffe 15th-19th November
Fresh flavourful finger-licking fresher flesh goes on display at last. Scout out the new talent, appetisingly immersed in a sauce of French rhyming couplets. Or just work out which impressionable foetuses to seduce in the bar afterwards.
ADC, 7:45pm £6-10
Beginning, Middle, End 15th-19th November
Get your voyeuristic kicks this week watching a show apparently distilled down from over 600 real-life sexts or something. Pre-book and you might even get a free trip to Paris, so I guess that’s pretty fun.
Corpus Playroom, 9:30pm £5-6
You’ve Burnt the Parsnips 15th-19th November
‘Quirky’ title ending in predictably unpredictable foodstuff can only mean one thing: new student writing. Last week’s serving didn’t go down too well apparently, but I’m informed that parsnips are richer in nutritional content than pies.
Pembroke New Cellars, 9:30pm £3.50-4.50
The Ashenden, Fiddaman and Owen Show 15th November only
Three Footlights alums refuse to leave and creep back to cling to one final night of ADC fame and glory. Sold out, so unless you have your tickets already you’ll just have to suckle on the manna of their golden funniness in the bar afterwards.
ADC, 11pm £5-6
Grimm Tales 16th-19th November
Second dollops of FRESHERY GOODNESS if one wasn’t enough for those particularly keen to scout out/fuck freshers. This time with a dressing of Poet Laureate – consume with caution.
ADC, 11pm £4-6
Celebration 16th-19th November
We consumed our last stageful of Pinter with relish, so cleanse your palates for one of the last offerings of the late Harold, you squirming mass of engorgement. It’s even set in a restaurant for your greedy greedy selves.
Queens’ Fitzpatrick, 11pm
And Then There Were None 17th-19th November
Even more leftovers for those who enjoy Agatha Christie ad nauseam.
Newnham Old Labs, 7pm
The Cocktail Party 18th-20th November
Everyone loves T.S. Eliot. And everyone loves theatre. But the proof of the pudding, friends, is in the eating. Munch munch.
Friends of Peterhouse Theatre, 7:30pm
*The Tab is not responsible for the content of oracular outbursts prophesying the imminent arrival of another, greater saviour of Cambridge Theatre.