Cambridge Guests New Vibe

A new website is working with The Tab to provide better deals for students in Cambridge.

A new website for Cambridge nightlife could mean the end of college club reps.

Guestvibe, which launches this week, has been set up to provide an online guest list, where students sign up in advance and get reduced cost on the door – exactly the same as college reps provide, but without having to leave your computer.

The Tab will be working with the website from Michaelmas to provide the best deals to Tab readers.

With the majority of Cambridge club nights already listed on the site, it has been suggested that promoters may in fact prefer this to using student reps.

However, the site’s founder, Sebastian Salek, quickly played down the issue, explaining that “It works alongside reps so it doesn’t screw them over: lists have to be submitted by 9pm and inevitably there’ll be people wanting wrist bands after that.”

James Sheldon, a second year engineer, told the Tab, “If you’re someone who goes out all the time I can see how it would be useful, but to be honest, I think most people decide late on and will use the reps.”

Either way, students will no doubt be pleased that they can get cheap deals without having to track down their reps.