Specs And The City Illustrated

Join FLO SCORDOULIS on the bubble’s streets for an ogle at some of the best local spectacles. You’ve been framed.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that once you go blind you never go back.

In a city like Cambridge, no intellectual is an intellectual without a pair of sexy spectacles. And possibly a beard. On a rampage to hunt out those who best know how to work their disability, the Tab has concluded that glasses should be a compulsory requirement for all Cambridge entrants and will soon be writing to Michael Gove. Until then, be forewarned that the eye-glass is a must-have investment for all seeking inclusion and affirmation of brainpower in the bubble.

 Well-coiffed Enrico regularly polishes his spectacles.

 Clara proves that when it comes to edginess size isn’t everything.

Barney recommends the aero-dynamic two-tonal look for those on the move. (He will not even take them off for tennis).

Joe is proud to have been mistaken for Harry Potter by Chinese tourists.

Grandma Isobel shows there is no shame in resorting to fake frames to achieve that Intellectual Edge in the supervision.

A blushing Sky warns these may be a red light for the ladies but was chuffed to save money on fancy dress for the Back to School Bop.

Alastair admits that geek glasses help him win arguments at the dinner table.