Tab Blind Date: Sophie and Sai

Tab Blind Date is back! Sophie and Sai got to know each other over noodles last week…but did they get engaged?


Sophie and Sai were the sixth couple to be match made by The Tab.  Both freshers, they’ve experienced bops, swaps and stage-fright – but have they experienced love? Find out below if an intimate dinner at Dojo’s took them from strangers to sweethearts, and do apply yourself if you’re looking for a mate.


Sophie  is a first-year English student at Pembroke who once turned a guy down because his hands were too small.

Your ideal date?

Going on some sort of adventure. Travelling to a new place or trying something different.


I had no idea what to expect. I was actually quite confused as to how I’d ended up in this situation. One moment I was asked if I was single, the next I’d been set me up on a date. The sad conclusion is I must look desperate.

What did you talk about?

Drinks, gambling and his love for rap music. I considered making a joke about tax evasion when he mentioned he was from the Cayman Islands, but thought it could be taken the wrong way.

Were you on form?

The portions at Dojo’s are ridiculously huge, so I felt more full than on form, but who knows? I think you’d have to ask him. Was I ‘on form’, Sai?

Best thing about your date?

He was really fun and easy to talk to, and there were no massively awkward silences, which was my biggest worry.

Worst thing about your date?

He didn’t do anything strange or eccentric that I could mention to friends in the post-date analysis. In secret, I’d been hoping for a really awful date with lots of hilarious foibles, just so I’d have a story to tell. No such luck.

Would you introduce him to your friends?

We went back to Pembroke’s JP, so in a way I kind of already have. Though it turns out we have some mutual friends, so introductions weren’t necessary.

Could he meet you parents?

He could. But the last guy I introduced to my parents, my mum inadvertently snorted coffee over. So I wouldn’t advise it.

If you could change one thing about your evening, what would it be?

That I hadn’t forgotten his name about two seconds after he’d introduced himself.

Marks out of 10?


Would you meet again?

Sure, there are plans to go for a drink sometime soon.


Sai is a first-year engineer at John’s. He has a tongue that girls ‘love to chew.’

Your ideal date?

Condoleezza Rice. I like powerful women.


My heart was in my throat, fluttering, pounding, drumming reverberations throughout my entire body. I like powerful women, but mon dieu, do they terrify me. But there’s nothing that drives me wilder than the intermingled scents of raw sexual confidence and my cold sweat.

The Tab brief was simple and to the point… ‘Dojos at 8. She is blonde’. She didn’t disappoint.

First impressions?

She arrived right on time and was quickly easy to talk to. Knees weak, palms sweaty, none of mother’s spaghetti.

What did you talk about?

We discussed the profound and the profane. Long, pensive silences interlaced with the bubbling of fairy-light laughter. It was ecstasy.

Were you on form?

It was difficult to tell because I kept getting lost in her eyes.

Best thing about your date?

The indescribable joy of finding a kindred spirit.

Worst thing about your date?

That shameless selfie outside Dojo, moments like this should be cradled in the heart not posted on Facebook.

Would you introduce her to your friends?

Could do, although she did not strike me as someone with the stomach to hang out with Johnians.

Could she meet your parents?

She’s a good girl and she knows it.

If you could change one thing about your evening, what would it be?

Didn’t have any funtivities, could of done with some bowling.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?

No doubt.


Sai and Sophie enjoyed their dinner at Dojo’s. If you’d like to participate in The Tab’s next blind date, complete with a FREE meal, please email [email protected] with your name, college, sexuality and a single interesting fact about yourself.