Introducing: The Tab-ony Aunt

Does life in Cambridge get you down? Would you like to talk about your problems in the most constructive way possible; by sharing them with thousands of people at a […]

Does life in Cambridge get you down?

Would you like to talk about your problems in the most constructive way possible; by sharing them with thousands of people at a time?

We, The Tab, officially Cambridge’s Most Loving Institution, are here to help you; to guide you through this rough patch; to be your compadres through the storm.

Be it relationship problems; work stress; the pressure of success; inappropriate feelings toward your supervisor; not sure whether to revise or have a good time; not actually enjoying wine; not wanting to follow the line; or being the editor of the most-read paper in Cambridge and still having everyone refer to you as ‘bellend’: we want to hear it.

So fling yourself into the warm, figurative arms of our new Agony Aunt, Tabitha and, like a bridge over troubled water, she will ease your mind. Because that is the primary function of a bridge.

Send your Cantabrian Conundrums to [email protected] as anonymously as you’d like. Remember, you are not alone.