Trinity millions for Union protester barricade, members’ bars – and ‘repairs’

It’s all change at The Union

With crumbling foundations and non-functioning sewers, the Union has done the dirty with Trinity to  net an impressive £4.5 million for improvements.

Trinity will lease some of the Grade II listed building, including some old cottages from the Union – after a report found the “rotting” timber and “subsiding” mess left after years of neglect.

Whist Amy Gregg, the Union President, says “regular operation” will not be affected, the plans include two new bars, a cafe and ever increasing hospitality options. One bar will be students-only, in a move clearly designed to impress Whose University?.

We don’t understand either


Bigger news, perhaps, is the erection of a new super-fence to keep out troublemakers round the back – details nicely slipped into their press release.

With government plans to stop extremists speaking in universities, it seems the Union is preparing to become a free-speech fortress. Whether speakers like Moazzam Begg, speaking in a few weeks time, would be allowed to appear is still not clear – but the Union is clearly taking no chances.

Don’t worry – not everything will change

An unnamed Union Officer said: “Apparently hosting a frank exchange of views now requires a bloody great gate. At least we get some decent new bars and the faces of our members might not meet so many armpits at Union socials”.

Will CUSU manage to scale the face? Has the Union finally lost it?

Probably neither.