Preview: Queens’ Arts Fest – “Think Different. Bodies.”
Let the bodies hit the floor…
Queens’ Art Festival hits Cambridge in the gonads this weekend, themed “Think Different. Bodies.”
The Festival’s launch was almost cancelled due to a recent excra-pade in the College. Fortunately, they have re-located and re-grouped, and the show will go ahead as planned, kicking off tonight at 9.30 in The Fountain.
Every-‘body’ is welcome.
“Where did the “Bodies” theme come from? Sounds a bit ‘eyebrow.”
“We thought ‘bodies’ was a very broad theme that we could gather a good variety of work on to display at our exhibition on Sunday.
We wanted a degree of continuity with last year’s play on Nike’s advertising strategy (“Just Do It”) and Apple’s slogan really hit the mark. This is especially in light of the Victoria’s Secret advertising campaign hitting headlines just as we were deciding on the theme – they originally marketed themselves as “The perfect body” but hastily changed it to “A body for everybody” after a public outcry.
“Think different” builds on this shift in people’s perception of what’s acceptable in advertising as far as body image is concerned.”
“So thinking a-head to Sunday, what have you got in store(so)?”
“We’ve received a wonderful variety of submissions, from sculpture to paintings to photography – there really is something for everyBODY [pun intended – they were catching on]. Come to the exhibition and see for yourself!”
“We’re really keen for the festival to be interactive, so as well as the exhibition, visitors on Sunday will be able to take part in an ‘immersive’ life drawing class [they wouldn’t tell me what that involved…] and a dance workshop, which is a great opportunity to explore the ‘Bodies’ theme.”
“So I hear there’s a shin-dig on Friday (today) at 9.30pm in the Fountain. Anything else we knee-d to nose?”
“Top floor, Venus Envy kicking off between 10 and 10.45 – they’re May Ball regulars and are playing brand new material tonight – followed by Tim Lawson and Francesco Anselmetti, who are playing a back-to-back set from 11 to 3.
There will also be contributions from Theo Borgvin Weiss and the Tate Cambridge.”
Note: none of the bands will look like this
I might be going out on a limb, but this sounds really hip, a great thing to be invulvad in (sorry. Too good to miss out). These guys really have their heads screwed on. Go and see it with your own eyes!