Join The Tab team

You totally should. All the cool kids are doing it.


Have you ever wondered how much better your life would be if you worked for The Tab?

Well wonder no more, for that dream can become reality.

With a million views a month and stories that have been picked up as far away as China, The Cambridge Tab is without a doubt one of the biggest student papers in the UK – it’s certainly the one everyone reads in Cambridge.

We are now recruiting for our Michaelmas team. We would like you to be a part of that team. Editing for The Tab isn’t just a great opportunity, it’s also loads of fun: you’ll get to be part of one of Cambridge’s most dynamic institutions, with brilliant editors and a huge readership, regular socials and loads of new faces.

Michaelmas is certainly the best term to do it: people are happy, exams are a thing of the distant future and Freshers – not yet turned bitter and cynical – are swarming in in their thousands, infecting everyone with their keenness.

Prior experience is not necessary. If you be keen (be keen) or want more information, email Luke Heppenstall-West and Sachin Parathalingam at [email protected] with your applications by 7pm on Saturday 6th June.

Put your intended position in subject line and tell us your name, college, subject, year of study and a contact number. We’d also like to see an example of something you’ve written, whether for us or not. You’ll also want to answer these three questions:

  1. What’s your vision for your section?

  2. What’re your favourite and least favourite things about The Tab?

  3. Why, of all the people running, should we choose you?

These are the positions you can apply for in each of the sections:

News – Editor and Deputy Editor

Probably The Tab’s most important section, our biggest hitting articles of all time have been news. You’ll need to find and respond to breaking stories around Cambridge as quickly as possible.

You’ll also work closely with TabHQ to get the best results – it’s a great opportunity to see into the world of professional journalism.

Features – Editor and Deputy Editor

Without a doubt the biggest and broadest section: it produces the most content, but also has the most scope for creativity. You’ll need to be good at coming up with ideas, writing articles and keeping the readership entertained.

Debate – Editor and Deputy Editor

Our most talked about section, fo sho. You’ll need to be good at coming up with ideas, be able to find writers to give opinions on various issues, and be able write some yourself.

Lifestyle – Editor and Deputy Editor

Lifestyle will work very closely with Features, but your focus will be, surprise surprise, on student’s day-to-day lifestyle: reviews, Tab Guides, recipes and so on.

Fashion – Editor and Deputy Editor

Plenty of room for creativity: you’d be tasked with a few regular articles like College Style and Fit College, but also get to do loads of photoshoots and projects besides.

Theatre – Editor

The priority is without a doubt organising and writing reviews, but we’ll also ask for other theatre-related articles. You’ll also need to liaise with the Cambridge theatre community.

Investigations – Editor

Your job would be to conduct long-running investigations in Cambridge. You’ll need to run Freedom of Information Requests and conduct surveys, trying to dig out juicy, juicy stories. You will be the most “journalist-y” journalist in town.

TabTV – Editor

We’d give you The Tab’s very own video camera and unleash you upon Cambridge. We’d be open to a big mixed of stuff, from interviews with drunk students to covering breaking news to more elaborate projects. Rest assured, thousands of people will watch it.

Music – Editor

We’d need you to review Balls, find Cambridge’s up-and-coming musical acts, do interviews, write articles and just generally be cool.

Culture – Editor

First and foremost, like with Theatre, your priority would be to review Cambridge’s cultural side, but we’d also be open to other articles and ideas besides that.

Interviews – Editor

Michaelmas promises to bring swarms of interesting and famous people to our fair city. Your job would be to coordinate interviews with them.

Sport – Editor

Cover Sport in Cambridge. Please.

Social Media – Manager

You’d be in charge of managing social media presence of The Tab in order to increase outreach and develop a strategy to best achieve this. You’d work very closely with the Senior Team and HQ to get the best results.


It’s like a column in a real newspaper, ennit? You’d write one article a week about anything you like (but pitch it to us first).  We’re also looking for a Fresher columnist to document their first term, so if you know anyone send them our way.


Are you a budding drawerer of things? Do you have a nice camera and know how to use it? We use images in all our articles, so we’d be really keen to get you on board.

Trust us, you’ll have an amazing term. All you need to do is apply to [email protected] by 7pm on Saturday. Go on. It’ll be fun.