Corpus playroom’s small theatre space lends itself to the intense feeling of claustrophobia in LAUNCH.
Well thought-out set design and use of radio communications come together to create a truly immersive experience for visitors to the HMS Salvation.
Set fifteen years in the future, Marcus Martin’s apocalyptic drama sees five crew members in conflict, both with foreign enemy forces and each other.
Moments of witty black comedy between the crew make the severity of the situation only more painful to watch. Simple home comforts become a distant memory – making the play all the more relevant to freshers week.
Situation is about to go nuclear
The cast of five are very well suited to their roles; Megan Dunne’s jarring wails and Colin Rothwell’s stern authority are particularly notable. Rhodri Hughes’ background in comedy is evident, while Thomas Taplin and Charlie Houseago counter this with superb seriousness.
While Marcus does not ask for any active audience participation, he urges the viewer to question their views over important issues such as Trident and global conflict. This feels particularly relevant in light of Jeremy Corbyn’s recent declaration on non-use of nuclear weapons. On a more basic level, the personal interactions between the characters make one reflect on kinship, trust and power.
The decision is yours…
As a student writer, Marcus Martin has done a brilliant job of creating a piece that is not only engaging, but thought-provoking. His comic background is clear through satirical moments in the play, ensuring that it remains enjoyable despite being so bleak. LAUNCH is a clear indication that Marcus’ talents as a director and composer are not limited only to comedy.
The play lasts only an hour, so being short of time is no excuse for not seeing it. Then again, THE DECISION IS YOURS.
5/5 stars