VOTE NOW: Cambridge’s Top 100 BNOCs

Find out if YOU made the cut


The most important vote of this year has finally arrived. 

After an astonishing 1605 nominations, a ridiculous number of lewd anecdotes, and the trusty-yet-administratively-painful work of Google Forms, the Top 100 BNOCs in Cambridge are finally here.

With the knowledge that multiple nominees can make a “sick paper aeroplane”, and that others people “outdrank the dean of medicine in a head to head drinking contest”, we can be assured that although we may be the cleverest university in the country, our students certainly are not the brightest.

Unfortunately, due to our inability to read minds, we have only been able to include non-fictional, living, current Cantabs and sabbs in our list: our apologies go to “ASNaC Piers” from Robinson. Honourable mentions go to “the girl who always falls over in the Cindies queue”, and the guy who writes his “address on every 21st birthday event page so everyone knows I go to Cambridge”. You know who you are, and congrats – you were almost a BNOC.

Vote by clicking below on each name of the Top 100 that you recognise (making sure you hit the vote button at the end after your selection). The order of our BNOCs is entirely randomised each time, so keep paying attention right until the end. And if you’ve ignored this patronisingly detailed set of instructions, don’t complain to us when you accidentally waste your vote.

Those with the highest name recognition rate will make it onto our coveted Top 10, enshrined in Tab BNOC Fame forever.

You can only vote once, and voting will close at 23:59 on 13th February.

This poll has now closed. Our Tab Top 10 BNOCs will be released later this week.