Meet the Jailbreak 2017 teams (and bet on them too!)

You can win a Garden Party ticket and the money goes to charity


Much like Eurovision or recurring acne, Jailbreak – RAG’s biggest fundraiser of the year – is upon us again. On March 10th 24 teams will set off from Parker’s Piece with no money and just 36 hours to get as far from Cambridge as possible.

This year you, dear Tab reader, can guess which team you think will get the furthest – and, while doing so, raise money for charity. Just read the bios below and fill out the form at the bottom.

If you donate £3 or more to the right team, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a RAG Charitea Garden Party Ticket (worth about £25). If you feel particularly inspired, you can donate directly to a particular team here (though it won’t count as a bet).

All money raised goes to RAG’s 10 Charities. Remember to stay up to speed with the teams using The Tab’s liveblog, starting Friday.

“Partners in Crime” – Nina & Jack

Met: “In Freshers Week, Nina was regaling a group at college about how her first stop off the plane from New Zealand was an insignificant little town in Norfolk. Jack just couldn’t hold in his Norfolk pride, and defended his hometown Sheringham (‘Shezza’) to the death. We’ve since bonded over beaches, being ignored, and arable agriculture.”
Team Character: Sycophantic, Socratic adventure-junkie wannabes.
Plan for the day: Get ballin’ then long-haullin’.
Why should people bet on you? Everyone loves an underdog story
What’s the wildest thing a member of your team has done? Nina has been known to do a spot of croc wrestling in her time Downunder. Crikey!

“JDog & BGP” – Bella (Magdalene, MML, 2nd Year) & Julie (Homerton, Education with Classics, 2nd Year) 

Met: Lacrosse camp circa 2010
Team Character: Cheeky, energetic, enthusiastic, determined and competitive
Plan: Sorry, it Israeli a secret
Why should people bet on you?: For top bant and a great story.
Wildest anecdote: Toured the world playing lax

“Max and Jemima” – Max (Selwyn, Natsci, 2nd year) & Jemima Gasson ( Fitzwilliam, Natsci, 2nd year)

Met: Lab partners
Team Character: Opportunistic, sassy, persevering, adventurous, capable
Plan: London, airport, win at life
Wildest anecdote: One of us escaped from school chess club to buy sweets, the other has been to North Korea
Why should people bet on you? We’ll try our best. We can’t promise anything but we’ll try our best.

“The Honeymoon” – Pippa (Caius, Medicine, First Year) Alice (Cauis, Medicine, First Year)

Met: Quote Alice: “pippa is attracted to me”
Character: The best college marriage ever
Plan: Why would we tell you??
Wildest anecdote: Alice took home a duck as she came home (on her own) after a night out in freshers week
Why should people bet on you?

‘An Unexpected Jailbreak’ – Connor (Christ’s, Philosophy, first year) Rufus (Christ’s, MML, First year)

Met: Never met.
Character: Dapper, Zesty, Groovy, Bubbly, Banal
Plan: We don’t believe in planning.
Wildest anecdote: I once touched a do not touch sign. No regrets.
Why should people bet on you? Why not?
“Team Special K” -Muhammad (Trinity, Maths, First year), Kerem (Trinity, Maths, First year) 

Met: Raiding the Fudge Kitchen
Character: E D G Y af
Plan: Don’t get lost or murdered
Wildest anecdote: Crashing and (accidentally?) vandalising the Fitz Winter Ball
Why should people bet on you? We’re going to the moon. The moon’s pretty far away

“Team Law-Eng” – Christian Repole (Jesus College, Engineering, First Year), Abdi Omar (Jesus College, Engineering, First Year), Callum Moran (Jesus College, Law, First Year)

Met: ‘I don’t even like Callum.’
Character: Shambles.
Plan: Ibiza. Shagaluf. Zante. Ayia Napa.Slough.
Why should people bet on you? Christian knows people with jets
Wildest anecdote: Climbed on the horse in First Court at Jesus.

“Banana Brigade” – Rica Lee (Jesus, Law, 1st year), Alicia Yeo (Jesus, Law, 1st year)
Eve Goodhart (Jesus, Law, 1st year)

Met: Guess
Character: Drunk or in the library
Plan: Beg borrow steal… beg… beg…
Why should people bet on you? “I’m not gonna stop, that’s who I am, BET ON IT BET ON IT BET ON IT BET ON IT”
Wildest anecdote: Gone on a date with Tom Wang (guess who)

“Cambridge2Extremes” – Felix (St John’s 2nd Year Geography) & James (Wolfson, 1st year PhD)

Met: “In the mountains”
Character: Unpredictable, extreme, quick-thinking, lightfooted, frugal.
Plan: Unpredictable, extreme, quick-thinking, lightfooted, frugal.
Wildest Anecdote: Climbing in the Wild. Or watched a wild west movie. You choose.
Why should people bet on you? Us winning is statistically more likely than winning the lottery, and people bet on that…

Louis and the Haggard Wanker – Louis ( Magdalene, Theology, 1st yr)& Antonia ((Emmanuel, HSPS, 1st yr)

Met: We shared some brownies with Rowan Williams.
Team Character: Rogue Sheila and Friendly Bastard
Plan: Pimp Antonia to Oligarch
Wildest Anecdote: “Antonia slept with a guy in the Emmanuel kitchen and the Porters watched it on CCTV. Antonia flashed 2000 people and got suspended from school. Antonia attempted to hitchhike when she was 14 and got locked in the back of a white van. Louis had a shower with Mick Jagger.”
Why should people bet on you? Antonia is a force of nature.

“Kellys & Son” – Austin Kelly (Jesus, Economics, 2nd Year), Michael Kelly (Homerton, Economics, 2nd Year) & Chagall Caprez (Homerton, Economics, 2nd Year)

Met: Our course
Character: Adventurous, benevolent, shameless, experienced and charming
Plan: dad, mum, any other family friend
Why should people bet on you? don’t play the odds, play the man
Wildest anecdote? Chagall gave his college daughter concussion following a night out

The Ginger, The Drunk and The Lawyer – Leon (Jesus, Law, First year), Alicia (Jesus, English, First year), Bryn (Jesus, History, First year)

Met: Bad luck
Character: Dark fruits, Milton and quiff
Plan: Cambridge, London, then the world!
Why should people bet on you? Because you have more money than sense
Wildest anecdote? Bryn drank alone at 12 noon once
A wheelie terrible idea- Charlie (Selwyn, 5th year Medic), (Craig Winfield) Selwyn, 5th Year Medic 

Character: Mature like a fine wine
Plan: Cycle, then cycle some more.
Why should people bet on you? We are unlikely to win
Wildest anecdote? Not train for this cycle

Karluxy – Carla (Magdalene, natural sciences, first year), Jessica (Hughes hall, PGCE, only year)

Met: Basketball
Character: Courageous, relentless, uncontested, unfathomable, beautiful
Plan: Get really very bloody far
Why should people bet on you? Because we’re gonna win. We always get the W.
Wildest anecdote? Rumour has it that one of us rubbed Tabasco in our eyes as a forfeit and was left crying for 27.3 hours.

Hitch-hiKing’s – Cora (King’s, 1st year MML), Izzy (King’s, 1st year MML), Vicky, (King’s, 1st year NatSci)

Met: first day of freshers and couldn’t be bothered with the effort of meeting other friends
Character: Outgoing, adventurous, cheeky, banterful, saucy
Plan: Badger, barter, pester, beg, steal
Why should people bet on you? I’m not gonna stop, that’s who I am. I’ll give it all I got, that is my plan. Will I find what I lost? You know you can BET ON IT BET ON IT [clearly a popular choice, ed.]
Wildest Anecdote? Didn’t go to a lecture once

The bewildered compatriots – Aleksei (King’s, HSPS, 2nd Year), Georgo (King’s, Economics, 2nd Year)

Met: Strong shared commitment to the sesh
Character: Philanthropic, benevolent, altruistic, sesh-comitted
Plan: Aggressive fundraising, plane, mesh, donate
Why should people bet on you?Could really do with a holiday and we’ll do anything to make that dream a reality
Wildest Anecdote? Turned up to rowing outing high from night before

The Freedom Movers – Sarah (Fitz, MML, 4th year), Matteo (Fitz, HSPS, 4th year)

Met: It’s a long story that involves free Christian Union jammy biscuits.
Character: Fiery, fearless, gourmet, hygge & (a bit) hypochondriac
Plan: Veni, Vidi, Vici and a lot of fake news
Why should people bet on you? We have the best plans. I mean, they are really the most terrific in the world. We’ll grab jailbreak…..
Wildest anecdote? Banter with Revolutionary Guard in the former American Embassy in Tehran, Iran

If a team wins that is not on this list, you will still be entered into a prize draw if you bet on the team that gets the furthest out of all those included.

Bet here or using the box below

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