Take care of yourself during exams
Legit tips to get you through
Now that exams have started, everybody is even more stressed out than usual. Here are some ways to make it all a bit better…
Set aside some time
This is the first step behind all the others. Working is really helpful in dealing with stress – pushing through that rabbit-in-the-headlights feeling in the face of revision is really important. But so is taking time out. Giving your brain time to breathe will make you more productive in the end, too.
Get outside
The weather is gorgeous right now, so leave the library for a bit and go for a walk. It’s a lovely way to get some exercise (which is mood booster numero uno) and also some vitamin D.
Nourish yourself
A muffin or a piece of cake really can make a full day of revision that bit more bearable, but it’s really easy to fall into the trap of only eating crisps and chocolate all day. I know it sounds super obvious, but don’t forget to eat three proper, nutrient-dense meals a day. Also sip on some water whenever you can – brains work best when they’re properly hydrated.
Try to get some proper rest
It’s tempting to stay up all night cramming info into your brain, but sleep-deprivation will make it much harder to retain and make use of whatever you’re revising. If you struggle getting to sleep, making yourself comfortable is key. If you’re noise or light sensitive, buy some ear plugs, or an eye mask. Sometimes invasive, anxious thoughts can make it hard to drop off. Podcasts help, as does listening to calming music (see below) and ocean/rain/other nature noises.
Listen to some chill tunez
Whether you’re listening in bed, on a walk, or sitting at your windowsill, relaxing music makes everything better.
If you just feel unspeakably shitty and can’t find a way to get out of bed, let alone take care of yourself, this interactive website can be helpful.
But if none of this is helping and you think you might be struggling with something more serious, please find a way to talk to someone about what you’re feeling – be that a friend, your GP or an anonymous helpline.
At the end of the day, your mental wellbeing is more important than any exam ever could be.