Emmanuel College uses photo of Auschwitz on leaflet welcoming students to the college

The Dean has said that “it’s there because some of the choir went on a trip to Poland”

Rev Jeremy Caddick, the Dean of Emmanuel College, has since apologised after a picture of a Nazi concentration camp was used on the cover of a leaflet welcoming students to the college.

The image of Auschwitz's gates, bearing the slogan 'Arbeit macht frei' (work sets you free), was put on the programme for a welcome service at the chapel on Thursday evening.

Rev Caddice has called the suggestions that the picture was a joke "infuriating", and explained that the "iconic image of evil" was related to the topic of his sermon, which discussed immorality and how to resist it.

“It’s there because some of the choir went on a trip to Poland. It included a trip to Auschwitz. The sermon is a reflection of that."

The leaflet featured an image of the infamous gateway

The leaflet featured an image of the infamous gateway

Students at Emmanuel were said to be 'very upset' about its inclusion. A second-year student at the college, who wishes not to be identified, told Cambridge News: "I just saw the programmes for the welcome service the Dean is doing and they have put a big picture of the entrance to Auschwitz on the cover."

"The welcome service is being targeted at first-year students. I have no idea at all what the possible aim is of this: whether it’s some kind of joke about entering university life. I cannot imagine any reason."

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that 1.1 million people died at the camp

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that 1.1 million people died at the camp

A spokeswoman for Emmanuel College said: “We understand that without context, this image may have upset people and we apologise for its use in a way that has caused distress. In the service its use will be explained."