Cambridge only FOURTH in T.H.E. UK University Rankings

Surely not…?

For once, Cambridge and Oxford failed to gain the top spots in a Times Higher Education league table. However, before you question whether you've in fact bought into the hollow reputation of a huge, money-laundering tourist trap for the academically gifted, I must qualify the headline. The rankings were only of "The 10 most beautiful universities in the UK", and did in no way reflect on academic performance.

Published on 1st January, the rankings came after the writers at Times Higher Education "thought long and hard" about our country's most beautiful universities, a phrase which could stand for studying for a PhD in architecture, but is more likely an attempt to make the story sound a little more serious than a BuzzFeed list.

Sigh of relief.

First place on the list went to Royal Holloway, the third most interesting attraction of the west London suburbs after Thorpe Park and the M4 into London, featuring the famous Victorian Founder's Building, which draws its inspiration from Chateau de Chambord in the Loire Valley. Next on the list was Edinburgh, followed by Oxford, and then Cambridge just about holding onto a top four spot ahead of Keele.

Times Higher Education specifically praised King's Chapel as "one of the finest examples of late Perpendicular Gothic English architecture", and noted the many tourists and students who punted on the river "wearing straw boater hats", apparently.

(Straw boater) hats off to you, Royal Holloway.

They're certainly not the first to comment on tourists visiting the city, with former mayor John Hipkin complaining in interview with the Guardian that uncontrolled tourism could "threaten the character" of Cambridge. Earlier this year touting for punt tours was made an offence in an effort to control traffic on the Cam.

So, there you have it; brains and good looks sometimes go together. Sorry for wasting your time and momentarily threatening your sense of academic entitlement. Since you're still here, have one of these.