Iranian exile to speak in Cambridge
Kaveh Abbasian will speak at the Maypole on the 7th of February
Kaveh Abbasian, one of the organisers of the banned left wing Iranian student group "Students for Freedom and Equality" (also known by the Farsi abbreviation "D.A.B") is to speak at the Maypole on Wednesday the 7th of February. The meeting has been organised by Workers' Liberty, a socialist group active within the Labour party.
D.A.B was formed in 2009 and organised demonstrations for freedom of speech and better living conditions for Iranian students. However, it was met with governmental resistance and most of the leaders were jailed, bringing the movement to a halt.

Mr Abbasian will be speaking at the Maypole on Wednesday
Abbasian evaded arrest and spent months in hiding in Iran, continuing to act as a press spokesman and co-ordinator for the group. After months of risking his life, the danger became too great and he and others moved to the U.K.
The now filmmaker and tutor will be speaking about the protest movement in Iran and human rights abuses. Thousands of protesters, including hundreds of students, have been jailed. Their crime? Demanding democracy and protesting high prices.
Mr Abbasian commented, "It is important that supporters of freedom and equality in the West stand up for the protest movement in Iran. I am disappointed that Labour's Emily Thornberry has refused to speak out in favour of people fighting for justice".
The Workers' Liberty group told The Tab 'Socialists in the UK and around the world have a duty to make solidarity with the Iranian workers' movement. The strikes and demonstrations going on in Iran are a powerful and important force for human freedom. Making solidarity begins with getting the facts and understanding what is going on: that is why we are organising this meeting so that people can find out more.'