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Hughes Hall warns students about using pregnancy apps

Two students at other colleges became pregnant after using the apps

The nurse at graduate college Hughes Hall has warned students about the use of pregnancy apps which calculate the risk of someone getting pregnant. This is in light of two students, though not at the college, who became pregnant despite using the app.

In both instances, the students decided not to use the morning after pill because an app suggested that they were unlikely to become pregnant. This was clearly mistaken on both accounts, and shows that pregnancy apps are not completely reliable.

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Emphasis was placed on the fact that an app cannot accurately tell you if you will get pregnant, and for students to be aware that there are other sexual health services out there to help them.

Students can always go to college nurses for advice, and CUSU provides free contraception as well as pregnancy tests. There is also the Lime Tree Sexual Health Clinic on Mill Road, the closest clinic to the University.

The Students' Unions' Advice Service also provides information on its website about emergency contraception, what to do if you find you are unintentionally pregnant and the University's guidance to students about pregnancy and parental leave.

Dr Harry Singh-Lalli, who's currently studying for a MPhil in Public Health at Hughes Hall has expressed his concerns to The Tab saying "The apps available are mostly for predicting fertility and when you are most likely to conceive. None are particularly accurate and certainly none are intended to prevent pregnancy. It's always best to check if unsure – see your college nurse, doctor, pharmacist or sexual health service for emergency contraception and advice."

For students that do find that they have an unwanted pregnancy, it is clear that there is help and support out there.