Image may contain: Architecture, Building, Nature, Outdoors, Water, Human, Person


It’s time to get CHEEKy again


With the arrival of Week 5 and all its unwelcome surprises also comes with it, the arrival of the most highly anticipated competition of the year…Tab's BEST BUMS.

Week 5 doesn't have to be a bum(mer)!

It's that time of year again when we're looking for the cheekiest, peachiest and most delicious bums which Cambridge has to offer.

Whether you've been working on that peach all term, or whether you're simply blessed with a wonderful tush, we want that bum – all shapes and sizes will be celebrated this year.

Peachy goodness galore

We know there are lots of you out there who are simply sitting on so much peachy potential which could snag you one of the most prestigious titles Cambridge has to offer.

Ergs at 7, bum shot at 8

So what are you waiting for? Get off that ass, grab a mate who knows their way around a camera and get some cheek(y) shots of your delightful derrières.

The more original and innovative your snap, the better. King's Parade. Sidg. Cindies. Creativity is key to showing off that bum.

Appropriate those classic tourist snaps

Send us your juicy submissions [email protected] by midnight on the 15th November. We certainly can't wait.

Week 5 isn't all bad folks, stay tuned for some peachy goodness, Cantabs.