Vote for Cambridge’s Best Bum 2019: Round one
Round one of voting is NOW OPEN
Imagine a world without bums. You can’t, can you? In truth, bums make the world go round, as Freddie Mercury told us in 1978.
Last month, we asked The Cambridge Tab readers to get cheeky and send us the best showcases for Cambridge backsides. We received dozens of submissions, and whittling the contest down to two rounds was a heavy burden to bear, but we managed it.
Now it’s over to you, dear reader. Marvel at their artistic endeavour below, then vote for the best:
1. Arabella – BioNatsci at Downing
Arabella gazes down the river pensively, and runs her fingers through her unruly blonde mane… something of a Garden of Eden vibe going on here.
2. Adam and Steve – Theology at Jesus and Christs’
Adam and Steve love nothing more than a misty morning by the Cam. Not only are these two super sweet, they’re also super peachy.
3. Jasper – Architecture at Christ’s
He can be our muse any day. Jasper looks arty and nonchalant as he paints, ensuring his derrière is angled favourably towards the camera.
4. Tim – Theology at King’s
In Tim’s own words, his “derrière is divine”. His risqué decision to get his rear snapped inside a greenhouse in the Botanical Gardens is made abundantly clear from his obvious violation of the sign saying ‘private’. Cheeky.
5. Vincent and George – Law at Peterhouse
Vincent and Timothy stand in solidarity on Green Street, baring their buttocks, silently praying that nobody walks by.
6) Tabitha and Tallulah – Law and History of Art at John’s
How Tabitha and Tallulah were allowed to get their bums out in the middle of the day in the room they’re in is beyond me. They appear to be reading something, although there doesn’t seem to actually be a book in front of them. The mind boggles.
7. Francesca – Art History at Queen’s
Francesca holds up a hand in salute to the UL – or maybe she is waving at her imaginary adoring fans.
8. Clara – BioNatSci at Emma
Clara braves the cold of a crisp autumn morning for her practical on anatomy. The session is focused on the most important of body parts: The gluteus maximus.
Which bum takes your fancy? Cast your vote in the poll below!
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• Cambridge’s Best Bum of 2018: THE WINNERS
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