Week four news column: Bucket hats, blind dates and wifi trenches
Why doesn’t my college have its own bucket hat..?
Week four is done and we are officially halfway through Lent 2021! This week we’ve celebrated both Valentine’s Day and Toope’s Birthday, many students have had a virtual Halfway Hall, the university revealed its exam mitigation measures and it was announced that there were zero positive asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 in the university.
But, as usual, there are always those small bits of news that get lost in the kerfuffle of the Cambridge bubble. From new masters to bucket hats, here’s what went down in week four…
Emmanuel elects a new master
Emmanuel College announced the election of their new college master this week, set to begin the role in October later this year.
The college has elected the current Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff, Doug Chalmers, to replace current master Dame Fiona Reynolds.
In a press release, Chalmers announced: “It is a privilege and an honour to be elected to lead Emmanuel College… Having spent time advancing diversity, equality and inclusion in defence, I share Emmanuel’s values of tolerance, respect, sociability and inclusivity.”
Many students of the college took to Camfess to express their mixed opinions on the newly elected master. One student highlighted the “confusion and apprehensiveness” that students feel at the college, questioning “the appropriateness of mixing academia and the military.”
Another student outlined a potential military timetable for students at Emmanuel in the future…

Will these be the new regime at Emma? (Image Credits: Screenshot from Camfess)
And one Emma student was left oblivious about their new master…

Wait, Emma got a new master? (Image Credit: Screenshot from Camfess)
Christ’s launches Sponsor a Book campaign
This week Christ’s College relaunched its Sponsor a Book campaign in which students can donate to ensure the maintenance of some of the college’s oldest books to preserve them for future users.
The college writes: “By providing for their long-term care we can ensure that [the books] continue to enthuse and inform generations to come.”
Donated money will fund “tailored treatment by a team of specialist conservators,” and in recognition for the sponsorship, sponsors will have a personalised book plate printed inside the chosen volume.
Sponsorship costs for the books available range from £340 to £1800. If only someone would sponsor me for that much.
King’s Parade anti-terror barriers set to stay
Cambridge City Council has set in motion plans to permanently keep the anti-terror barriers erected on King’s Parade.
The barriers were temporarily installed in January 2020 much to the dismay of some members of the public who say they disrupt cyclists and spoil the aesthetic of the iconic street. I think it’s fair to say we have all nearly been run over by a speeding cyclist or a VOI at least once because of these things.
However, the council has said that the existing barriers are not permanent and instead will be replaced with a more suitable alternative.
Council to erect phone mast on Jesus Green
The council has also announced plans to erect a 30-metre tall telephone mast in the middle of Jesus Green.
The Liberal Democrats have launched a petition to annul the plans, citing that the mast “will visually scar one of the city’s most iconic and well-used public open spaces.”

The mast will allegedly be seen throughout Jesus College. (Image Credit: Screenshot from JFess)
Students of Jesus College also took to their confession page, JFess, to express their annoyance at the decision. One student wrote that the mast will “be visible from anywhere in the College.”
With Jesus Green being the only future alternative for Cindies and Fez, this mast will definitely obstruct our outdoor bops.
Bucket Hat stash at Emma and Jesus
This week, bucket hats have been added to the stash repertoire at Emmanuel and Jesus Colleges, and all I can say is that I am extremely jealous.
At Emma, the bucket hats come in an array of colours and all purchasing profits will be donated to charity… Emma really is doing the most!
In the Jesus stash order, bucket hats are a new addition, but some students questioned the removal of Jesus’ iconic underwear that is usually available on stash orders. But don’t worry Jesus students, apparently your so-called “cock boxers” will make a comeback in the next stash order… (can someone at Jesus please explain what’s going on over there?)

Who knew college-themed underwear existed? (Image Credit: Screenshot from JFess)
Pembroke chef hosts virtual cooking masterclass
This week, Pembroke Junior Sous Chef, James Burtinshaw, has taken to the college YouTube channel to rival the likes of Nigella in uploading a cookery masterclass.
In the video, James is teaching students how to make one of his favourite dishes, seafood linguine, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Perhaps the Tab has found another contender for this year’s BNOC competition?
Selwyn unveils new clock tower
The scaffolding has been removed on Selwyn College’s new library and auditorium to reveal the new college clock tower.
After 18 months of construction, the new building is set to be complete by March of this year and then open for use in Michaelmas 2021.
Hill colleges host blind dates
Earlier this week as a Valentine’s Day celebration, the Hill colleges joined forces to host a session of virtual blind dates.
Churchill, Girton, Fitzwilliam and Murray Edwards Colleges came together to help their students “find (virtual) love”, writing that the blind dates will help students “get paired with someone else who understands the pain of cycling up the only hill in Cambridge every evening.”
Cambridge walks become Treasure hunts
A Facebook group has been set up to organise treasure hunts around Cambridge to help people cope with lockdown restrictions.
According to the page, the treasure hunts are ways to give lockdown walks “a little twist in which you can search for things dotted around the city by following a trail of clues.”
The first trail was posted on Valentine’s Day and participants had to find King Henry VIII on King’s College, count the lions outside the Fitzwilliam Museum and spot a golden deer on Sidney Street. So wholesome!
Sidney Sussex celebrates 425th birthday
This week Sidney Sussex College turned 425 years old! Now that is old!
The college was founded in 1596 by the will of Frances Sidney, Countess of Sussex. Happy Birthday, Sidney!
Girton digs a wifi trench
Throughout Michaelmas term of this year, many students at Girton struggled with wifi connectivity issues and the college reimbursed students for mobile data costs.
In order to boost wifi connectivity for students not based on the main college site, in an email sent to students, the college announced the construction of a “trench to be dug” in order to connect two areas of the college and boost connectivity.
The “trench work” is expected to last around 10 days and will eventually boost the wifi strength.
That’s week four complete (is anyone else surprised at how quickly this term is flying by?!) Now we head into the gloom of week five… what will it have in store for us?
Emmanuel College has been contacted for comment.
Feature Image Credit: Diliff via Wikimedia Commons (Creative Commons License)