
Image may contain: Vigil, Person, People, Human

Daily Mail slams Cambridge BME students for ‘excluding white people’

Yet again The Mail has got Cambridge all wrong

Why which college you go to matters

It has a huge influence

Reflections on Cambridge after a year abroad

When people ask me how my year abroad in Japan went, I usually say “it was interesting”.

Fake News Column: The Bridge of Whys

Fresh off the press that is Donald Trump’s Twitter account

News Column: Keen Queens’, Sharking Second Years and Trinity Tea

Read it to see if you’re in it

Where to find the best music in May Week

This is the most exciting time of the year for music fiends

Do we all secretly wish we were at John’s?

Or would we rather be at Oxf*rd?

Students warned by colleges following nightime incident involving ‘group of men’

Senior tutors advise not going out after dark

NOT SO FREE SPEECH: Union in turmoil after failure of multi-million-pound deal

£10 million development project scrapped, but hundreds of thousands have already been spent

WEEK SIX NEWS ROUNDUP: Blitz Spirit, Fresher Fines, and Arty Access

Real news is depressing, as we all we learned last week. Here’s some barely real news instead.

I regret screwing up someone’s long distance relationship

Don’t be that guy. That guy, on being on the worst side of a bad break-up

How dateable is your college?

Plenty of fish in the… pool colleges

Halloween: How to dress up the right (scary) way

Guys, it’s a myth that you’re meant to dress like a slut.

Which Bake Off contestant is your college?

We can’t all be Selasi

How to get on the right side of your Bedder

Don’t wake up on the wrong side of the bedder.

The Tab’s virtual punting tour

Because no Cantabrigian Instagram is complete without one

Patronising notes for freshers

So you can appreciate or denigrate more fairly.

EXCLUSIVE: Trinity supervisor says stopping class lists would be ‘a victory for mediocrity’

“And Cambridge, above all, is supposed to be non-mediocre”



May-Ballers of the Week

No one is safe