10 reasons why we’ll miss THE LASH
So Cardiff Uni is getting rid of the LASH – here’s 10 reasons why we’ll miss it
As most people have probably heard by now, it has come to our sad attention that Cardiff Uni’s SU have decided to get rid of THE LASH!
With many an outburst and people tweeting #savethelash, we thought we would round up 10 reasons why we will miss the lash, in the hope that maybe, just maybe, the SU will then decide to bring it back for the new ‘Solus’ coming to the SU in September. Fingers crossed anyway!
Sport team socials
Where else can you and your sports team get absolutely smashed, not get kicked out, and sing about how ‘fucking amazing we are’ without anyone giving you weird looks- except maybe your rival team… Also without the help of sports teams- the LASH would be half empty.
Where else do you go on a Wednesday night?
Don’t think Retro’s can even hold this many people!?
Unless you love 90’s pop at Retros, want to go somewhere more grotty like Metros or fancy Revs two nights in a row, and probably get abuse from the Cardiff Met sports teams- WHERE ELSE DO WE GO?!
Someone’s upset there’s no more free entry!
Nowhere else does free entry- enough said?!
Cheap drinks deals
£1.70 Sambuca & Tequila and £5 for two doubles you say? Great Stuff!
The late night chanters
If you want to be dancing with a crowd at the end of the night, then there’s nowhere else in Cardiff where you can find people chanting the Toure song while the bouncers try to kick them out.
No promotion team
So you’re walking to your lecture and on the way you get flyers forced into your hand and face by students trying to get you to go to ‘this’ night and ‘that’- get any from the LASH? No? Didn’t think so!
You always bump into friends
You can’t move one step without seeing friends from your course, society or sports team- it’s like one big happy family!
You don’t have to dress up- look as trashy as you want!
No-one cares what you wear, roll up with the ‘uniform’ of converse and shorts and you’ll fit right in! Means less time getting ready and more time drinking!
You know someone is a fresher if they stumble into the LASH wearing heels- your grubbiest vans or flats is the way to go, and also means you’ll spend more time dancing and less time worrying about blisters.
Fancy dress you say?
Every LASH can be a fancy dress LASH- you will always see an influx of different costumes, especially because of the many societies that go to the LASH weekly!