‘I don’t feel safe’
Cathays residents react to three sexual assaults in five days
This week Cathays has been rocked by the news of three sexual assaults in the space of five days.
With all three attacks occurring so close to home, the residents of Cathays are understandably shocked.
We asked residents of Cathays their response to the assaults, and how safe they feel now.
Anna, 18, English Language
“Since last night, everyone stops my group after a night out asking if we are okay and where are we going. I think the Union have done a quite a lot – there is only so much they can do to make a capital city safe.
“I would definitely not walk home alone now, I walked home alone the other night and it was a big mistake. It was a shock to the system to arrive here the other day and this happen – it was a reality check.
“I think they should have more signs to point you back to halls, or people around to tell you which way to go. I’ve got lost lots of times and it would be really scary for a fresher to get here and your first night you’re lost.”
Rosie, 18, Environmental Science
“I feel safe because it’s such a small amount of people out of the thousands that go here, it’s still quite scary but I live in Uni Halls so I usually get a taxi anyway.
“It’s good that they have the safe taxi scheme because if I don’t have any money I’ll just use that.
“I haven’t seen that many police at night, so I reckon there should be a few more walking round the streets making sure everyone’s alright. Cardiff is a relatively safe city but I was surprised.”
Elizabeth, 20, Economics, Cardiff Met
“I’m careful when I’m walking home, I usually get a taxi with people but I have in the past walked home.
“I live up Cathays Terrace and I’ve walked up there on my own, I wouldn’t do that now.
“I think it’s good that the uni are bigging up their safe taxi scheme, but the uni should promote it better because I’d never heard of it before.
“They also need more reps around. There are a lot in the town but not in residential areas.”
Aditi, 19, Sociology and Social Policy
“I wouldn’t walk home alone because my flatmates are freaked out. I used to walk back at 7pm but my flatmates have freaked out so I get a taxi everywhere now cos they’re really scared.
“I don’t really know what the university have done in response to this. I haven’t seen any difference.
“I think it would really help to have more police out, especially for people who live in Uni Halls, it’s a really big problem for us. The buses stop running at 5.30 and after that we have to cab everywhere – but thats not always possible because cabs are expensive.
“It’s really hard for us, we want to enjoy Freshers’ Week as well but this has tarnished Freshers’ Week a lot. Yesterday there was an Ice Breaker event, but loads of people at Uni Halls sold their ticket because they don’t want to travel at night.
“If they have something like the safe taxi scheme in place they need to tell everyone about it because I don’t think anyone knows about it in Uni Halls.
“I thought Cardiff was a lot safer.”
Miça, 20, English Language
“I was shocked, I normally feel really safe in Cardiff but not now – I don’t feel safe. I feel like there should be more wardens from the union patrolling the area and walking people home.
“There needs to be something down the alley by the station and Costa and Subway because people always walk down there.”