Night-time security measures introduced after Cathays attacks
There will now be night buses and more police on patrol
A joint statement has been released from Cardiff universities, South Wales Police and the council in light of the recent attacks in Cathays.
In the statement, the said parties have announced new safety measures during nights out to ensure everyone gets home safely after three women, aged 19-20, were sexually assaulted in the Cathays area in one week.
With immediate effect, there will now be two additional Student Safety Buses staffed by police officers and police student volunteers.
There will be more police patrolling the city centre and surrounding areas
Three buses will run throughout the night to provide students with a “safe, dedicated transport back to their accommodation.”
Cardiff University, South Wales University, Cardiff Metropolitan University and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama Student Unions have worked together with Cardiff’s taxi firms to ensure drivers will take passengers back home safely at the end of the night.
There will also be a higher presence of police officers patrolling university grounds and the city centre for reassurance.
All Cardiff universities are enforcing the security measures
Divisional Commander for Cardiff, Chief Superintendent Belinda Davies, has said that the police has a zero-tolerance approach towards anyone who commits appalling crimes and that everything possible is being done to bring those responsible to justice.
In a statement, Chief Superintendent Belinda Davies said: “All reports of sexual assault are taken extremely seriously and South Wales Police, together with the Police and Crime Commissioner, are continuing to work with our partners to make tackling this type of crime a priority.
“Cardiff is a safe city and I want to keep it that way. I want to reassure local residents and the parents of young people who are coming to Cardiff, often away from home for the first time, that we will do all we can to help to keep people safe.
“As our investigation continues we want people to be able to go out, enjoy themselves and feel safe in our Capital City. Crimes like this are never the victims fault, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to follow basic safety advice so they keep themselves and their friends safe.
“Please stay together when you’re out at night, drink responsibly and make sure you all go home together.
“Always plan your journey home, book a reputable taxi firm, and if walking please keep to well-lit areas.”
If anyone has any information please approach a police officer or contact South Wales Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Anyone with any concerns can also contact the student services department at their university or SARC (Ynys Saff, Sexual Assault referral Centre) on 101.