Less than half of sexual assaults in Freshers’ week have been resolved
Only two people have been sent to jail out of 30 crimes
There is a frequent pattern of violent and sexual assaults during September and October.
From 2012 to 2015 there has been a disturbing consistency in the amount of reported crimes within the proximity of the University, particularly during the months of September and October.
Worryingly, only nine assaults ended in criminal action and 11 where the suspect remains unidentified.
The interactive map below highlights both sexual and violent assaults between 2012 and 2015, within the same area as the most recent spate of sexual attacks.
An exclamation mark indicates no arrest or suspect identified, the police vehicle indicates where a suspect has been arrested, being held in investigation, or has been taken to court, and the judge’s gavel indicates a conviction.
You can tap and zoom to interact with the map.
[iframe url=”https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=zxS4gPwKbraU.kyAO8LT5DXiY” width=”640″ height=”640″]
Over a period of three years there have been 30 attacks of either a violent or sexual nature, all within the proximity of Cathays and the University Main Building.
Out of this total, only nine assaults led to criminal action and a shocking 11 where the suspect remains unidentified.
With another three crimes are still under police investigation, that equates to just under half of all offences committed in the area within the 3 year period remaining unsolved.
The most recent sexual assault was opposite the museum at the bottom of King Edwards VII Avenue
Only two of the reports resulted in the offenders imprisonment.
With a total of eight reported crimes, King Edwards VII Avenue has been subject to the most disturbances over the past three years.
After the most recent spate of attacks in Freshers’ week, young women have been advised to stay in pairs and remain in well-lit areas.
Cardiff University has also taken measures to ensure student’s safety such as the Safe Taxi Scheme.
A high proportion of attacks occur near the university during Freshers’ Week
Students across the University were shocked to hear of the amount of sexual assaults.
Lydia de Blangy, a Journalism second year told the Tab: “The fact that incidents like those seen in recent weeks have been occurring so frequently is disgusting.
“Cardiff is a beautiful and generally safe city, it’s a shame that the actions of a certain few are overshadowing its reputation.
“We need to be made more aware of ways to remain safe not just during fresher’s week but across the whole year. I think more CCTV would also help.”
“I worry that events like these will put people off coming to study here, which is shame as both the University and the city have so much to offer.
“More protection needs to be available.
“There should be more police on shifts and increased media coverage of the enforced safety measures to warn off these violent and sexual predators.”