Cardiff students are raising money to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for charity
They have to raise £2,990 each
35 Cardiff Uni students are trekking up Africa’s highest mountain in August 2016 to raise money for Worldwide Cancer Research.
They are funding the trip themselves and all money raised will go to the charity.
Each of them has to raise £2,990 to climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, which is situated in Tanzania.
Amy has always wanted to climb Kilimanjaro
Amy Durham, a Law third year, said: “I have always wanted to climb Kilimanjaro but I had never found the right opportunity.
“I really wanted to push and challenge myself to do something out of my comfort zone in order to raise money for charity.”
The trip has limited places so most of the team signed up that night because they didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to help. Nathan said: “I believe it is for a great cause so I joined. What most probably influenced my decision is that I’ve lost four family members to cancer so if I could make a difference to stop or cure this terrible disease it’s worth it.”
The Cardiff team will leave at the end of August 2016 and the climb up Kilimanjaro will take between seven and eight days in total.
The whole expedition has been organised through the company Choose a Challenge and Worldwide Cancer Research. The Cardiff team has two group leaders who are second years designated to help with providing information and supporting the team’s fundraising attempts.
Each of the climbers have to raise £2,990 for charity and Emily Willoughby, a Human Geography first year is getting creative with her fundraising. She is hoping to have an opera singer perform a concert for her to raise money for the cancer charity.
Emily told the Tab: “I understand that Cancer is something that can effect everyone, so I wanted to do my part to help reduce its effects.”
If you want to support the Cardiff team on their hike then you can find their group page here.