Eduroam goes down in Cardiff a week before the examination period

It’s been reported to have stopped working in Julian Hodge

Complaints have risen after struggles to connect to Eduroam in the Julian Hodge building today.

Julian Hodge is one of the limited areas open in Cardiff today as many of the work spaces at the university are closed due to it being a bank holiday.

All libraries have been closed since 24th December for their Christmas break. They will all re-open on 3rd January.

Currently the only known open work spaces on campus are the Julian Hodge building and the Students’ Union.


However even this has become a problem for studying library-goers as the Eduroam system seems to be down, leaving no access to the internet.

This comes a week before deadlines and examinations start, on January 9th.

English Literature third year Katie, who has been struggling to work in Julian Hodge, says, “My laptop wouldn’t connect to eduroam in the Julian Hodge building.

“I’ve been despairing at the flickering wi-fi symbol for about half an hour now. It’s pretty annoying considering it’s a week before deadlines for final year students.”