Stop slut shaming girls who just enjoy sex
It’s 2017 guys
Easy, immoral, loose, cheap, slut, slag, hoe, bucket, whore, tramp.
Just a selection of the vocabulary we have coined to label someone who likes to sleep around. A small choice of words we throw at girls who are liberal with their sexuality.
Rather than praise them for their new wave progression in the 21st Century, we shame them, we degrade them. And chances are it’s just because they’re getting more action than you.
But regardless of that, it is simply not your business. Unless someone is sleeping with your boyfriend, you have no right to be calling them out on their actions as they have no effect on you. Their life is not an open discussion for you to partake in, especially if all you’re going to do is degrade them.
I could sit here and list the reasons why people find degrading others a fun little past time. But instead I’m going to tell you why these people are hypocrites, and why you should just brush their comments off, like you did with that guy last night *winky face*.
The ‘slut’ is the laugh on a night out; they will always be up for a dance, the last one standing. No one dances like them. Their overly friendly attitude you slate them for is probably the only reason you got in with their friends anyway.
But when you slut shame you become a hypocrite. You happily downed that shot, sped to the dance floor with her, and she even introduced you to your now boyfriend. All thanks to that same care-free personality you criticise her for.
I like to go out. I admit it. I’ll have fun without thinking what I’m doing. I am not the only girl like this. I’m not the only one who doesn’t need a constant man on her side. But yet we still shame these girls in society, when in all honesty, we need them.
We are bombarded with degradation for how we wish to spend our intimate moments. For simply biding our time and deciding not to settle when we’re well aware we’re not ready for it and would just hurt the poor sap anyway.
Well enough is enough. Who we sleep with is none of your business, so long as we’re clean and not sleeping with your boyfriend, or not hurting your best friend. I’m honest and open about who I am and I see nothing wrong with it. So why should you?
Why do people feel the need to shame someone for what they wish to do with their body? For harmless activities and just letting their hair down, whilst going down. There is nothing wrong with it.
In some American films I have encountered girls calling the protagonist frigid for not putting out. Yet, that girl is still the centre of the film, she still prevails in the end. And people don’t actually shame you in real life, do they?
I’ve simply come to the conclusion that people slut shame because they’re too pent up, because they haven’t been laid in a while and are dying for a screw or spanking.
We all have vices. But, instead of sleeping around, yours is bitching about. I don’t mean to slate you, but I honestly think it’s bitchy girls who drive a promiscuous girl to go that bit further and cheat or steal someone’s man in a game of love and war.
Don’t bitch, you’re asking for it.