Over 100 students have reported domestic abuse and stalking to Cardiff Uni in three years

Cardiff received the highest number of reports


Over 100 students have reported incidents of domestic abuse and stalking at Cardiff University since 2015.

This information comes from the reports of the anti-stalking charity Paladin and women's site Broadly, who are campaigning for a better monitoring system for these types of cases. Their work involves introducing a Stalkers Register and police obligation to identify those on it to protect past and potential victims.

The information reveals that Cardiff has the highest number of reports with 115, when compared to the other 100 institutions recorded on Paladin's site, Unfollowme.

Unfollowme Map of Universities with the highest number of stalking and domestic abuse complaints

Of the UK universities that chose to reveal information to the charity, it was revealed that 51 percent of the accused students continued their studies at their respective universities after an incident report.

This news follows the success of Cardiff University's new online reporting system introduced last year, that enables students to report incidents of sexual assault, rape, hate crime, harassment and relationship abuse.

If you have been the victim of an incident at Cardiff University, you can report it here.