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We spoke to the guy who almost won the BBC Radio 1’s Golden Ticket in Cardiff

Brad failed on the phone number challenge

As many of you have heard, BBC Radio 1's Golden Ticket was won in Cardiff today by a lucky guy named James.

However, before James managed to get his hands on the ticket, Brad was almost going to be crowned winner.

We spoke with Brad to find out how he felt after being so close to the ticket but so far away: "I'd just like to say really I'm so chuffed for James. I just didn't know the number off the top of my head, I didn't know that was part of the challenge and the added stress of the situation; live on air".

Brad picked up on the presenter's hint and headed for Bute Park. After finding the golden ticket, part of the challenge was to give the final three digits of BBC Radio 1's phone number.

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Brad is pretty chuffed to be part of the challenge

Brad went on to tell The Cardiff Tab: "But again, congrats to James! From my perspective, it's all for the actual experience of the challenge… just being a part of it was a pleasure".

Brad sure has taken the loss with a pinch of salt and held his head high, especially when he was so close to winning the ticket which included entry to Radio 1's Big Weekend, Glasto and Reading/Leeds Festival.