Student’s belongings removed despite confirming they’ll be collected after lockdown
The student has no idea where her items are
On Wednesday, an onslaught of posts on Overheard revealed that many Talybont residents have had their belongings thrown away or ruined by residences staff.
Emma Robinson, a first year student in Talybont South, has come forward saying that the same has happened to her, despite filling out the universities survey confirming she would return to collect her belongings after lockdown.
Emails were sent by the Uni Residences asking if students intended on staying in the accommodation during lockdown, and if they’d be returning. Emma responded stating she would not be staying in the halls during lockdown, but would be return to collect her items once restrictions were lifted. On the 2nd March, the Residences confirmed:
“We will store your belongings for you until it is possible for you to collect these.”
“We may need to move your belongings from the room and if this is the case we will ensure that these are carefully removed and securely stored.”
However, following the allegations that many students belonging had been thrown away or gone missing, the Residences sent another email on 29th April stating that staff won’t be entering bedrooms.
Emma became extremely concerned after viewing the multiple posts on Facebook, and seeing photographs sent into her own house group chat in Talybont South.
She decided to travel along with their family to “salvage anything left.”
Emma, like many others, left all “clean” items in the cupboards under the impression their belongings “would be safely looked after.” However, she returned to find all her “pans, plates, bowls…had been removed from the kitchen.”
Seeing posts of belongings being thrown into the bins outside, Emma decided to look herself, but unfortunately, nothing was found.
Emma and a family member were approached by a member of staff, asking them to stop searching. The staff had told them the belongings have been moved to “dry storage” where they’ll be “safely looked after.” However, Emma was not informed where this storage was, and was not allowed access to it, leaving her concerned if she will ever see her items again.
Bins have also been moved further along the road, where Emma has expressed her concerns that it may have been done as a way of “hiding all these thrown out kitchen belongings.”
Emma, as with many other students, has been left unsure of what will happen next. Some students are expecting a form of compensation, while others are resigned to the fact that this is unlikely.
She feels let down by the uni, stating she didn’t think that staff “throwing it in bins” meant her belongings were being “safely looked after.” Emma believes that Cardiff Uni have given all students mixed messages, and “kept changing their minds to suit their needs”, further adding that “it’s not fair on us or our belongings!”
She has said, “If you live in Taly South get your stuff out now!”
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