Durham Drama – Week Three
A weekly guide to the theatre scene in Durham. DAVID KNOWLES tells you everything you need to know.
Drama in Durham. This short column will sum up what’s going on in the Durham Drama bubble and offer some guidance to students interested in any aspect of drama.
First of all let’s have a look at the shows on offer this week. They really could not get any different if they tried! If you are looking for some light relief, or are just interested in the Lord of the Rings, then ‘Orcs the Musical’ is the show for you.
The show is new, written by the director and features an array of popular songs. The twist? They are sung by orcs. Someone I cannot see this being everyone’s cup of tea…On the other hand if you want to see an imaginative piece of writing why not go along?
More staple fare is available at the Assembly Rooms in the form of Bent, a show whose story follows a gay man sent to Dachau during the Second World War. Attempting to deny his sexuality he swaps his pink star with a Jew’s yellow star.
It is brave indeed for any student theatre company to even consider staging stories from the holocaust so it will be very interesting to see whether the cast succeed.
But what else is going on apart from shows? Well, on Febuary 3rd, Durham Student Film are running a workshop on ‘Acting For Film’. This sounds like an interesting experience as film is a very different medium to the stage and requires a completely different set of skills. Even if it’s not the thing for you, you don’t have much to lose as it’s free and the workshop is only an hour long.
It only remains for me to say that If you are even vaguely interested in theatre and you think you can write reviews or articles on the Durham scene please do get in contact, the more contributors the better!
That’s all from me this week, do keep a look out for those pesky mimes….]
David K
Orcs the Musical
Performances: 2nd-4th February: 7:30pm (and 2:00pm on the 4th)
Venue: Fountains Hall, Grey College
Tickets: £5/£4/£4 regular people/DST members/DUTT members (all profits going to The Orangutan foundation)
Performances: Thursday 2nd-4th February: 8:00pm
Venue: The Assembly Rooms Theatre
Tickets: £6/£5.5/£5 – book online at www.dur.ac.uk/DST
Durham Film Festival – Workshop ‘Acting for Film’
Times: Friday 3rd February: 6:00-7:00pm – Empty Shop
Book: As there are limited spaces and a script please confirm attendance at http://www.facebook.com/events/282890318438146/