Preview – Comedyfest!
David Knowles interviews the President of the Durham Revue Fergus Leathem about this Friday’s Comedyfest extravaganza!
David Knowles talks to the illustrious Fergus Leathem, President of the Durham Revue
So Ferg, what’s happening this Friday?
Well, its the biggest comedy evening in Durham! Its been going for about five years now, and basically we invite the Oxford Revue and the Cambridge Footlights to come and perform alongside us at the Gala. We also go and perform at their places too. It really is going to be an absolute comedy extravaganza!
Tell us a bit about the Revue's relationship with the Oxford Revue and the Footlights?
Well, we're yet to meet them this year, but on past evidence we get on with them very well; we're all students after all, and we all like a laugh, so there’s no reason not to get along!
What is your set looking like at the moment, any corkers?
The sets looking pretty good at the moment, we've got a nice mix of sketches, from what the ref from Gladiators is up to now to the Easter bunny at a employment tribunal. We'd like to think that all the sketches are corkers!
What’s the best reason you can think of for Durham students to come to Comedyfest?
Well, you’re going to get two hours of the best student comedy in the land, and it should be a welcome break from the grind of essays, coursework and the dreaded dissertation. Who knows, you may even see a star of tomorrow!
Tell us about the members of this year’s Revue, any scandals?
Well, on our last social, Elgan had one too many glasses of champagne and made a pass at Jack. It was pretty awkward. Also, Stefanie has been dating a local man, who it turns out has a girlfriend. And a child. They're not seeing each other anymore.
Finally, tell us a joke?
What cheese would you use to hide a horse? Mask-car-pone.
(There will be no weak cheese based puns in the actual show.)
The Durham Revue’s Comedyfest (Feat. The Cambridge Footlights and The Oxford Revue)
is at 8pm Friday 24th February at the Gala Theatre,
Concessions are £8