UKs Weirdest Uni Courses Revealed
After Durham’s Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion featured on a recent list of most bizarre uni courses, The Tab decided to look out for other universities’ tactical options to boost your mark.

“The world is in our hands now.”
What: Ethical Hacking BSc.
Where: University of Abertay, Dundee.
Teaching a wave of students how to hack may seem stupid, but with the addition of the word ‘ethical’ this university provides a legal way of showing how to break into web servers, steal information and remotely control computers. The uni says “the aim is for you to arrive on this programme as a student and leave as an ethical hacker” because it “takes a thief to catch a thief.” Flawless.
Enter with dreams, leave with jaundice.
What: Brewing and distilling BSc.
Where: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
This course aims “to educate potential managers of the malting, brewing and distilling industries and to provide a full understanding of the science and technology of the processes…” blah blah blah. It’s a drinking course. Save on expense by simply making your own.
What: Applied Golf Management Studies BSc.
Where: University of Birmingham.
“As the only degree of its kind in the world” this course means students can study, play and represent Birmingham through a partnership with the Professional Golfers’ Association. 130 people applied for just 25 spaces in 2012 and with the typical offer at AAB-ABB this is no walk in the park. Although it will be a walk on the course.
“A sense of humour is something you can teach. For several grand.”
What: Performance: Comedy Practices BA.
Where: University of Salford, Manchester.
Helped launched by Peter Kay, this course offers students the chance to learn how “live and recorded performance, contemporary, physical and dance theatre, comedy and media production can be linked in exciting ways.” As a three year long course this will cost you £27k. Hilarious.
“Let’s touch sabres.”
What: Feel The Force: How To Train In The Jedi Way.
Where: Queen’s University Belfast.
This course is aimed at students wanting to learn the “real- life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks”. Queen’s hoped it would attract Star Wars fans to examine the “wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism”. The course blurb reads that “light sabres are not provided.” Even as a euphemism this works, because it sounds like no one on this course is having much sex.