What to wear when revising
Struggling to keep up with the latest fashion trends this exam period? BETH BALKHAM has the answers.
I think it’s fair to say that for many of us, revising is a time when looks go well and truly out of the window. Our faces are no longer in the mirror, but in a book and pyjamas become everyday, accepted attire. The only people we’re trying to impress are our examiners and the only boys I’m falling in love with are those on my novel module… (I’d be stuck on a desert island with Robinson Crusoe any day).
So how do you dress for those long days stuck to your desk chair or for those dates with Billy Bryson?
1. The classic chill out, one and only onesie
I know the craze has died down, but onesies were not a one hit wonder. They are still very much an incessant part of the student wardrobe. Although a trip to Tesco in it might be a bit too far, these are perfect cosy comforts for those fun-filled, action packed revision days. Feel free and easy in these big baby suits. However, one warning – they are prone to overheating with excessive stress.
2. But if that’s not your thing, then blankets may be
Creating a cocoon around yourself can help channel your thoughts and enhance your focus. Being surrounded by blankets has the same effect as an onesie, forming a comfort zone around you. It is this safe feeling that helps ease you through your revision, and is necessary for those of you still living in college, where heating has been turned off for the alleged ‘summer’ term, or even those of you in houses trying to economise on your heating bills.
3. Glasses
A true fashion statement according to many on the Durham University Campus. Whether they’re prescribed or bought simply to get that Johnny Depp or Elton John look, they can make you feel intelligent, giving you that extra push through your pile of papers. Even if you’re not actually revising or being as successful as you’d like, pop a pair on and strut through Market Place in style (at least giving the impression you’ve been hard at work).
4. The Billy Bry Style Guy
Although some might see the revision period as a time to unleash that inner stress, for many, this unfortunately manifests itself in what I struggle to call ‘style’. With this year’s fashion shows over and done with, Durham’s style sensations are urging for a chance to try out new trends. It seems that this has resulted in the new and upcoming catwalk – the Billy Bry. So for those of you missing your crazy Loveshack Wednesdays or maybe just being driven insane by the amount of work left to plough through, go wild with your wardrobe and enjoy this new found freedom.
5. But technically freedom can only truly be obtained in one way, and one way only
Go commando. Feeling trapped in the library? A prisoner in your own bedroom? Whip through your revision by whipping off your clothes. Who said exam season had to be boring?