Where fashion goes to die
Can you create a fashionable outfit at Urban DH1?
As any Durham fashion fanatic knows, the city centre is definitely not a shopping sensation.
In fact, the embarrassingly small Topshop and River Island are probably the best of a bad bunch (unless you’re a Fabulously British Jack Wills Wanker).
But it’s about making the most out of what you’ve got, so I set off to explore one of Durham’s finest fashion stores and found what is practically the Prada of The Gates, a luxury shopping precinct, for any unaware freshers.
A beautiful sight for stingy student accounts
The Hangover Cure
Reppin’ DH1 #duzza
I’d gladly puke up my one too many quaddies on this vile co-ord outfit.
Who doesn’t wake up after a rogue Klute Tuesday wanting nothing but a cropped “hangover hoodie”?
Perfect for exposing your bloated beer belly, this is a clear style success with nothing but class…
Although the tracksuits were surprisingly soft and suitably comfortable for those dry hangover days, they’re definitely not something you would call fashionable.
Feeling as if I should burst into some form of breakdance, these outfits are probably best to be kept for chav initiations or for walking down North Road any time after dark.
Dress to impress
Neon has never looked so good
Fair dues for trying…
Stuck finding a formal dress? Don’t worry, Urban DH1 has a huge range of sexy, sophisticated dresses… Seriously, these three dresses really were the best on offer. The word ‘trashy’ has never been more appropriate, although at least they attempted to pull off the tartan trend.
Trouser Triumph
To give Urban DH1 some credit, their range of trousers was not as diabolical as their dresses.
Adding a tiny touch of taste, the trousers saved this shop from a total fashion failure.
And last but not least…
The dream jacket.
Something every fierce lady should be pouncing on.
Urban DH1 is definitely ticked off of our list of places to shop, so unless you’re a fan of the Chav vs Prostitute look, don’t waste a step in there.
Sorry Urbs, but I think we’ll leave you to the locals.