How local is your college?

Everyone really is from Guildford

We have the stats: is Durham really the South but next to Newcastle?

Whereas some unis like Liverpool and Belfast are renowned for having a lot of locals, Durham couldn’t be more different.

New stats show barely anyone at Durham is actually from the North East, as just 10.48 per cent of us come from the surrounding area.

This contrasts with a total of 89.52 per cent of students who are from elsewhere: probably the South East of England.

The Stockton colleges have the highest proportion of local students, as 17.03 per cent of Stephenson and 14.44 per cent of John Snow are from the North East.

Back in Durham, Van Mildert has the most North Easterners at 13.13 per cent, followed by Mary’s and Jo Butler.

Poshos at Hild Bede unsurprisingly play host to the fewest, with only 5.96 per cent.

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