Image may contain: Crowd, Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Prince Charles is in Durham right now, and he’s being a classic Grandad

69 years old and still cute

Ladies and Gentlemen, sons and daughters: the Prince of Wales himself has just been on the Palace Green greeting students and talking about the weather, classic.

Despite being royalty, he has proven something we were all skeptics about: he is just like any other Grandad.

Image may contain: Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Person, People, Human

Look at him! A vision in beige.

His Royal Highness himself turned around to one student and said the following:

“Are you meant to be in a lecture?”


“Oh it’s all my fault.”

And to another the Prince asked:

“Are you missing lectures for this?”

“If you fail your exams you can blame me”.

You have it here in writing fellow students. Thank you Charles, thank you.

Yet the largest issue students are facing isn't the lack of attendance to lectures, but rather "whether to make Charles my Instagram story or upload it as a post". First world problems, eh.

Image may contain: Crowd, Person, People, Human

Prince Charles is definitely smaller than I thought he was going to be.

Students have been stood for hours just to get a glimpse of the Prince himself. And yet it did seem to pay off as many got a handshake with what now seems to be the nation's own Grandad.

Image may contain: Hat, Clothing, Cap, Beanie, Smile, Portrait, Face, Paint Container, Dye, Person, People, Human

Prince Charles talking with students, cute or what!

Of course, the Royal family doesn't come without controversy and some people weren't so pleased to see Prince Charles. One man was stood in protest in the centre of the Palace Green.

The man held up signs saying: "A monarchy is not a democracy", and: "you put the small thief in prison but the big thief lives in a palace".

Image may contain: Parade, Crowd, Person, People, HumanImage may contain: Person, People, Human

The Prince of Wales arrived in Durham to carry out a series of engagements.

Firstly paying a visit to the Church of St Mary the Less at the chapel of St John's College, Durham University and unveil a plaque honouring Dame Elizabeth Bowes. And then paying a visit to the Open Treasure visitor experience at Durham Cathedral to officially open the exhibit.

So, thanks Prince Charles! Hopefully we'll see you around some time soon!