Durham has double as many posh students as other high tariff unis
The ratio is 10:1
Data obtained by Palatinate has shown that over 52 per cent of Durham students come from "the highest participating in higher education neighbourhoods", with only 5-7 per cent coming from Low Participation Neighbourhoods.
Durham students from these high socio-economic areas currently outnumber those from low socio-economic at a ratio of 10:1 , while the average of other high-tariff universities is 5:1.
This means the university has twice as many students from higher socio-economic areas than unis with similar entry-requirements.
The report also highlights how only 7.8 per cent of Durham students are actually from the local area, in contrast to 23 per cent of Newcastle and 50 per cent of Northumbria students being from the North East originally. The region currently has the lowest rates of young people attending university in the country.
Durham University recognised the data and responded by saying that part of the reason was because many of the best performing schools in the country are based in these higher participating neighbourhoods. This includes the postcodes for Eton and Harrow. The university also said that the problem begins earlier in the application process as they receive much fewer applications from the lowest participation neighbourhoods.
Durham also highlighted their "Access and Participation Plan 2020/21 to 2024/25" which Professor Alan Houston, Vice-Provost (Education) describes as "a bold plan" which will "ensure that these statistics will look very different by 2025."
This plan includes a specialist mathematics school for local A Level students, as well as School Outreach and Supported Progression schemes.