- Video: drunk students cycle down stairs
- Desaine disciplined: UK’s horniest student bollocked by bigwigs
- The Most Lamentable Time Of The Year
- The Tab’s Top Christmas Songs
- Onesies: we need to call time on this sickening trend
- Onesies: we need to call time on this sickening trend
- 11-Step Guide to Avoiding Culture Shock
- Was 2013 the year of the ban?
- ‘Meaning is mainstream’: The Tab’s guide to being edgy
- Is this Birmingham Uni sport video almost as cringey as Loughborough SU’s?
- The good, the bad and the ugly: We take on celeb selfies
- Two Men (and a girl) in a Boat
- Atlantic rowers going strong after almost a day at sea
- In case you didn’t know, it’s a bit windy
- This House Believes that it’s hard out Here for a B***H
- Furious Feminists Try To Sack Secretary in Recording Row
- How Rah do you think you are?
- Underwhelming Strike follows Dramatic Student Protest
- Join The Tab (we’re big in Lebanon)
- The 5 Types Of Friend Every Girl Has Made In The Loos
- We’re having less sex than our parents
- How laughing gas became our favourite drug
- We did a fashion shoot with Lily Cole
- Edinburgh Student in the final for £30,000 party at Teviot
- Ten things you only know if you’re an Edinburgh Uni law student
- Charity Lap Dancing at Edinburgh’s Burke and Hare
- Top 10 Places to Procrastinate
- The Super Rats have landed
- It’s OK to call things “gay”. Let’s stop worrying about words.
- It’s official: EUSA declares it is a feminist
- “It’s empowering”: Meet student glamour model Emma Kuziara
- This “creepy” site is uploading your pics for people to drool over
- Cambridge student offers private tutor £48k for 16 weeks work
- Scottish Parliament Approves Gay Marriage
- Ok or not ok? Do these student costumes take things too far?
- 10 things you can’t get away with in Second Year
- Law Pirates Walk the Plank
- Top 10 Places To Go On A Date in Edinburgh
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood
- EUSA decide to become “a feminist”
- “The Sex Club”
- Drunk teenager goes out in Oldham, wakes up in Paris
- “Talk dirty to me”
- The Tab’s Guide to Christmas Markets
- Blacked up students called to order
- VIDEO: Watch this student put his head through a table
- Two Men (and a girl) in a Boat
- Edinburgh Law Students black up for “Beerienteering” race
- World’s Oldest Creature Killed By Scientists Trying To Find Its Age
- Leeds students caught shagging in the library
- We tried Pizza Hut’s 3,000 calorie cheeseburger pizza
- Exeter Undergrad Crowned UK’s Horniest Student
- Law Students “black up” for Beerienteering race
- The Birds
- Lad Pack Caught On Camera
- Dear EUSA…
- We can be (working class) heroes
- Spencer Matthews shags a student
- Council Considers Moronic Licensing Policy
- We’re killing more animals than any other uni
- They’re at it again: lecturers call second day of strikes
- VIDEO: Spencer Matthews thinks he has an STI
- Freshair Awarded Bronze
- Forced Fingerprinting for Foreign Students
- Tab Tries: Using a Fleshlight
- This fella sinks a pint in 3.4 seconds, can you do any better?
- “I like your breasts!”
- In Photos: Britain’s Biggest Student House
- Bomb Squad in Leith.
- Watch students pose for video thinking it’s a photo
- These freshers dressed as 9/11 for Halloween
- Edinburgh 9th Highest Millionaire Making Machine
- Video: Student Faces Painful FIFA Forfeit (Warning: Explicit Content)
- Official: Scotland Manliest Nation on Planet
- Llama drama as boozed-up French students steal circus star
- Life Lessons: From a Northerner to a Southerner
- Delivery Breakfast…. Sorry what?!?
- K.U.N.T: the best sports club name ever?
- Rugby boy slams 20 jagerbombs in one minute (and he barely flinches)
- Singletons of the Week
- Movember on Campus: Style Guide
- My housemate’s a pole dancer
- Big Cheese Meets Wine
- Brazil 2014’s not far away: Get playing with Lucozade Powerleague
- End snobbery over Mickey Mouse Degrees, says PM
- Spotted: Spencer Matthews’ willy
- Top 10 Summer Vacation Spots for Edinburgh Students
- Be United
- Golfing called to be made a degree choice in Scotland
- Is this the worst video ever made?
- Art student to lose his virginity in front of 100 people
- Scotland Third Best Place to Visit
- Oktoberfest
- What to Wear for Halloween
- Who’s Who About Campus: Part 1
- Police Fail to Ban Condoms
- 10 things better than listening to people talk in the library
- Warwick Rowers Strip Off To Back Gay Charity
- Video: Female Student Nails 20 Sambuca Shots In Under 2 Minutes
- Londoners Take Over Northerners in Uni Applications
- Distraction by Doodling
- Forget selfies, it’s all about the uglie
- Pole Dancing Banned
- No police motion called off
- Top 10 Things To Spice Up Your Over Seas Relationship
- Great British Bake Off: can Ruby triumph?
- Students want police out
- EUSA ‘Gag’ Revoked After Student Backlash
- The Tab’s Pics of the Week
- Rowling’s £10m clinic opened
- Malala Yousafzai receives Honorary Degree from Ex-Prime Minister in Edinburgh
- Flooding in Edinburgh
- EUSA Sabbs “Gagged” From Protecting Students
- VIDEO: hey Jesus I’m looking for you
- Sleeping with my housemate
- The Pippa Profile
- The Tab’s Guide to Edinburgh’s Best Hangover Cures
- Top 10 Tourist things to do as an Edinburgh Student
- What Ruby Baked: semi finals
- School’s Out: No Uni On October 31st
- Two Men (and a Girl) in a Boat
- The Tab tries: RAG Lost Weekend
- Absolutely Everybody Hates Flyerers, New Studies Show
- Calling all Freshers!
- Panda Watch: Edinburgh Panda Loses Baby
- The Tab’s Pics of the Week
- What Ruby Baked: Quarter Finals
- University donations on the rise
- Fowl Behaviour in Halls
- How to shake dat thang
- MA Fashion student designs range inspired by Jedward
- Student Savers Sink Supermarket Site
- 11 more likely things in 2014 than Edinburgh’s trams
- Princess Anne receives mixed opinions
- NUS Cut Classics as Degree Option
- Coolio cooks up a surprise for UCLan students
- Edinburgh’s Higgs Wins Nobel Prize
- Big dawg in big mess
- The Tab’s Pics of the Week
- Edinburgh’s Hunks and Hunnies
- Two Men (and a Girl) in a Boat
- Singletons of the Week
- Students are just the same as pensioners
- “I Wanna Live Like Common People”
- Free speech row at LSE over Prophet Mohammed and Jesus t-shirt
- Meet the brave students rowing the Atlantic…in the nude
- Edinburgh finally tops a poll!
- Singletons of the Week
- Edinburgh, you Cheeky Ranker!
- Chemical ‘eruption’ at King’s Buildings
- Should you Join a Sports Club?
- Bobby gets a nose job
- Worst Ways to Pull
- Average Students Gain Two Stone in Their First Year
- End snobbery over Mickey Mouse Degrees, says PM
- Blurred Lines… in University pass system
- The Tab brings you: The Pub Olympics
- The Tab’s Pics of The Week
- Edinburgh Clinches Top 30 in Quality of Life Rankings
- Street Style
- The Magical Mystery Tour – Freshers’ Play 2013
- Unii: the new social media site exclusive to students
- It’s time for male students to stand up to sexism and harassment
- Edinburgh Student’s Dad Stuck in Dubai
- Bet on your future: Ladbrokes taking bets on degrees
- So much wine
- The Tab Tries: SocieTEA!
- Debates Union Poster in Racial Controversy
- Win with the Big Cheese
- Joey at the Zoo
- EUSA Decide To Make A Difference
- What a yolk: Uni to splash £2m on chicken research
- What a yolk: Uni to splash £2m on chicken research
- Freshers’ Fashion – SPOTTED
- EUSA By Elections Coming Soon
- Twerking
- It’s a song
- The website making student life easier
- EUSA Ban ‘Blurred Lines’ In Lad Culture Clampdown
- Freshers’ A – Z: Part 2
- Freshers’ Week: What to avoid
- Edinburgh Climbs the League Tables
- Uni gags satire mag in free speech clampdown
- Freshers’ A – Z: Part 1
- Fringe – Best and Worst
- Club by Night
- Kate stalks Wills from Edinburgh to St Andrews
- Students vying for top Blue Peter spot
- Broken record costs student first
- Student arrested over chalk protest
- Rise Up Against Heightism!
- 12 things you should have known before uni
- 12 things you should have known before uni
- Friends appeal for info on missing Edinburgh student
- The Tab Playlist
- How to do a festival on the cheap
- Be part of next term’s Tab team
- The Tab Playlist
- Sexism at Edinburgh University: a male perspective
- Website of the week: Pointer Pointer
- Edinburgh’s Ultimate Hero Revealed!
- Heriot-WHAT? Edinburgh Fall Second To Rival Uni
- I predict an earthquake!
- Desmond Tutu could cost you
- Man v Booze returns!
- The Tab Playlist
- Website of the Week: Thug Kitchen
- Edinburgh University Heroes
- The Naked Student Cookbook
- The definitive uni slang crossword
- Bring on the Beach!
- Vote for your favourite awkward greeting
- Drinking, Orgies and Boris Johnson
- The Tab Playlist: Tunes for summer
- Website of the week: Geo Guessr
- Goldrush Party – Edinburgh Uni’s Best Kept Secret
- Edinburgh Student Takes On Tough Mudder
- UKIP Protest: Why it was not justified
- One in nine Edinburgh students is a virgin
- Revealed: Who does the most drugs?
- Potterrow Pervs
- BREAKING – Body of woman discovered in student area
- Disney Edinburghers
- Cashless Societies
- The Tab’s Guide to a ‘Shore’ Summer
- The Tab pardies with Jamie Laing
- The Tab pardies with Jamie Laing
- Farage visit ends in chaos
- Box Design Sends Sophie Packing
- Stranger in student house was just looking for his phone
- The Tab Playlist
- Revealed: Who works hardest
- Tributes paid to Professor trampled to death
- Free Ben and Jerry’s in Bristo Square!
- Hostage On The Royal Mile
- Website of the Week: Wtf should I do with my life
- Gym Etiquette
- Edinburgh Exam Fail!
- The War Against Nerds
- The Secret Slut: Cheating Our Way To Class
- The Tab Playlist
- Cat-astrophe for Apprentice Sophie
- How fucked am I?
- Spotted: Best of
- UEA’d in Chelsea
- Nominate your Edinburgh hero
- Top 5 Marchmont Digs
- The Worst Edinburgher of All Time is….
- Tab Tries: Shake a Weight
- Religion and Ridicule on Campus
- The Tab Playlist
- Edinburgh College of Art Exhibition or Wonderland
- Edinburgh grad becomes new Apprentice star!
- Website of the week: Serious time wasters
- Lad Culture: The Real Root of the Problem
- Impishly Funny
- ECA Fashion Show 2013
- Edinburgh Storms Uni Rich List
- Website of the week: Actresses Without Teeth
- Panda Watch: Pandas Gone Wild – Porn, Penises and Pandemonium
- Marathon Effort: Student Storms to Victory
- NUS Campaign changes definition of ‘woman’
- “Always different, always funny!”
- Jack Sparrow loves Edinburgh!
- How to celebrate 4/20
- The Tab Playlist
- Website of the week: A dog licking your screen
- Upcoming Events: Young for Young
- Therapets? No, bad dog!
- How eight famous people spent their time at uni
- Tinder – If you don’t know, now you know.
- Tab companion to: Footballer Wag faceswaps
- The Tab Explores Haunted Edinburgh: The Shortlist
- How Easy Is Your Degree?
- Food, Not So Glorious Food
- Website of the Week: Engrish.com
- Seven faceswaps that ruin Made in Chelsea
- Bonfire of the Big Macs
- New NUS pres did not go to uni
- Thatcher’s death cheered at NUS national conference
- Facebook to charge users to send messages
- Edinburgh’s Cure For Stress: Puppies
- Healthy chocolate that makes you drunk
- Disco Pants
- Ten reasons not to go to St Andrews
- Website of the week: Pug Costume Party
- The Rape Bake Sale
- Beyoncé to sing at Graduation Ball
- The Tab’s Guide to Sex on Campus
- To intern, or not to intern?
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Diary of a Scrunchie Girl
- The Tab Playlist
- Uni chiefs get pay rise… again
- EUSA Welfare Debate: Feminists vs Lads
- From Kent to Cannes
- Corpse in a Car Park
- Website of the week: Thumbs and Ammo
- Review: Theatre Paradok
- Tab Asks – Gay or European?
- Law Ball 2013 – Feel this moment
- Who is Edinburgh’s Worst Alumnus? You Decide!
- Racism row: So who’s the real culprit?
- Flyer in the Ointment!
- The Truth About Drones: The Debate
- Judy’s Affordable Vintage Fair
- Tab Rates/Tab Hates
- Tab’s At The Bar – Launch Party
- Tab Wears – Launch Party T-Shirts
- The Tab Playlist
- Spotted: Hamster in blizzard
- Pitch Style
- A 12-inch Disappointment
- Website of the week: Tory chins
- Review: All My Sons
- St Paddy’s Day Madness
- EURFC 2XV in Murrayfield Final
- Come on Cymru!
- ECFS 2013
- There’s Nothing Smelly About The Big Cheese
- EUHH Social Descends into Meadows Madness
- Dresscode: Smart?
- Sex Between The Shelves
- The Secret Party, Edinburgh: Declassified
- Tab Tries: Going to Hive sober
- Gossip Girl Inflitrates Hockey Club
- Edinburgh Charity Fashion Show – providing self-consciousness for the average student since 2001.
- Edinburgh’s best campaign posters
- The Tab Playlist
- Changing the Face of Advertising
- Beat the Meat: City Café’s Ultimate Burger Challenge
- Student Politics takes a back seat to… Nachos?
- In defence of Max Crema
- Website of the week: Gizoogle
- The Tab drug survey
- What’s your signature style?
- Master of Arts with Distinction in ‘Jurnalism’
- Beer goggles don’t exist
- Crema survives but EUSA looks ridiculous
- James White ate my hamster
- The Tab Playlist
- Penis equals pounds
- Students get their own back
- A tale of two freshers
- Poopy for Pres
- The Tab Playlist
- Hockey fresher loses fives, finds himself in Exeter
- TabTV Inside: A Day With The EDL
- Sign up for The Tablet