Two Men (and a girl) in a Boat
Lucinda Ross explains the “Adele” mood.
Adele. A song writer, award winner and wonderful British artist, or, to some women, a state of mind.
Ask any woman, an “Adele mood” exists. For some, there is a playlist of her greatest hits and a bottle of Pinot Grigio reserved in the fridge for these dreaded moods. This is the time to just wallow in self-pity and envision yourself at fifty years of age, fat, single, singing the same songs to the twenty seven cats that you’ve accumulated over the years of being alone. For those who aren’t familiar with these episodes, an Adele mood will last until the wallower has listened to the end of the album (for the third time) or until they pass out tired/drunk.
How no girl should ever end her evening
Fortunately, being a virgin to these Adele states on minds, I only had my first one the other night having had a cry of conscience. I just wanted to sit in my bed with my two favourite friends of the moment: Mr J. Daniels and Adele. Thankfully, my wallowing is usually over in half an hour, and I was only feeling a few tracks of Adele (and perhaps a bit of Joni Mitchell thrown in) and not end up like Bridget Jones singing “All By Myself” into a bottle of wine in fluffy Christmas pyjamas. This however, was all cut short about thirty seconds in, when there was a knock at the door.
“I’m going to the Scot Mi-WHY are you listening to Adele?!” accompanied by a quizzical look as if to say “Are you on your period?”
Needless to say, I blamed shuffle and switched the song without any questions asked.
So, readers, actions speak louder than words, if you’re a bit sad, best to eat a few bourbon biscuits and get on with your life because a session in your room with Adele equates to a suicidal flatmate.