Bill Gates was at Edi Uni yesterday to announce £28 million investment

The richest man on earth and Microsoft founder spoke at the University’s Roslin Institute

Bill Gates graced Edinburgh University yesterday as he launched the university's new 'Global Academy' alongside Secretary of Sate for International Development Penny Mordaunt.

The Microsoft founder announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was to give £28 million ($40m) of funding towards research into genetically-modified crops.

The tech tycoon spoke, unveiled a plaque and met scientists from the university who are working on drugs for African cattle herds in order to reduce their deaths and subsequent poverty for farmers.

He spoke at the Roslin Institute, famous for its 1996 cloning of 'Dolly' the sheep.

The event was broadcast live on the university's Facebook page, where Mordaunt and Gates were asked questions from scientists at the university.