Edinburgh’s Singles of the Week
Love is all around us
If the prospect of spending another Valentine's Day eating ice cream in front of the sofa alone isn’t appealing to you, this year there’s no need to look further than the Edinburgh Campus . Introducing a selection of Edinburgh’s finest fitties:
Hannah Rothmann, 1st Year, Classics
If you could take anyone in the world to dinner? ? Heath Ledger, but his character in 10 Things I Hate About You because he is a babe in that.
Where are we most likely to find you? In a coffee shop.
Dream date in Edinburgh? Going to see an edgy play and cocktails.
What would be the title of your autobiography? Don't Pry.
Number one on your bucket list? Grow taller.
What actor would play you in a movie about your life? Sofia Vergara because who doesn’t want her combination of boobs, legs and sass.
Last thing you googled? Justice and persecution in the ancient world.
What's on your Tinder profile? I'm a Tinder-phobe.
Do you have a type? Tall, dark and handsome (Jon Snow can you hear me?)
What song will always get you dancing? 212 – Azealia Banks.
Best gift a boyfriend/girlfriend could get you? Some loving.
Biggest fashion regret? Dying half my hair blue.
Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly? Invisible, free entry baby.
So if you happen to resemble Jon Snow and are always eyeing up the girl reading Virgil in the coffee shop, you won’t find Hannah on Tinder so maybe it’s time to make a move. Who knows you might end up dancing to 212 sipping cocktails this Valentine's?
Liam Howe, 1st Year, English Language and History
Where are we most likely to find you? Sat watching Netflix or at rehearsals.
Dream date in Edinburgh? Watch a film in the Brass Monkey (the best bar/cult cinema in Edinburgh).
If you were to sum up your love life in a film? Groundhog Day.
Last TV series you were obsessed with? Black Mirror.
Number one on your bucket list? Either be in a film or play the Albert Hall.
What actor would play you in a movie about your life? Danny DeVito.
Describe yourself in three words? Outgoing, artistic, pretentious (if I'm honest).
What song will always get you dancing? 'The Safety Dance' by Men Without Hats. It's unbeatably cheesy and oh so 80s.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A musician or an actor. And here I am. Sort of.
Biggest fashion regret? Wearing Crocs as a kid.
Would you rather fly or be invisible? Fly. Imagine the money you'd save on flights. And what a conversation starter too.
Overlooking his unfortunate Croc wearing stage, Liam sounds like the kind of guy that would serenade you with cheesy 80s love ballads. If you’re into that smouldering artistic type and fancy a drink at Brass Monkey followed by a film – possibly featuring Danny Devito, then Liam is the guy for you.
Izzy Redding, 1st Year, Textiles
If you could take anyone in the world to Dinner? Johnny Depp.
Where are we most likely to find you? Opal.
Dream date in Edinburgh? Go to a bar, have some vodka lime sodas, something chill where you can talk.
Last TV series you were obsessed with? Criminal Minds is an all time favourite.
Number one on your bucket list? I really want to go to Australia, I'm a big fan of the accent.
What actor would play you in a movie about your life? Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde.
Teviot nachos or Thai Caravan? Always nachos with chicken.
Do you have a type? Tan, dark hair, social, a bit cocky.
Best gift a boyfriend/girlfriend could get you? Short trip to Barcelona or Amsterdam.
Go to takeaway? Sushi or Chinese.
Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly? Fly so I wouldn’t have such a big Uber bill.
If you’re a cocky Australian exchange student looking for his own blonde bombshell to whisk away on a city break look no further – imagine the Instagram potential. Alternatively if you're just looking for someone to split the Uber home from Opal, Izzy seems like she would be open to that too.
Henry Dalton, 1st Year, Law
If you could take anyone in the world to Dinner? Winston Churchill.
Where are we most likely to find you? Pool or Pollock.
Dream date in Edinburgh? Breaking into a massive building in the centre and climbing onto the roof to watch the sunset in the summer.
If you were to sum up your love life in a film? "Commitment issues".
Last TV series you were obsessed with? How To Get Away With Murder.
Number one on your bucket list? Discuss a merger with Elon Musk.
Teviot Nachos or Thai Caravan? Thai Caravan.
What actor would play you in a movie about your life? Cody Christian.
Last thing you googled? Hot blond male actors.
What did you want to be when you grew up? Ben 10 or a spy.
Sum yourself up in three words? Electrifying, legendary, humble.
Do you have a type? Attractive, interesting and awesome.
What song will always get you dancing? Spanish songs.
Best gift a boyfriend/girlfriend could get you? At this stage either colourful socks or a plane ticket.
Biggest fashion regret? Ages 12-16.
If you were going to be a chocolate bar what chocolate bar would you be? Flake.
Childhood nickname? Hennaz.
A date with Hennaz would clearly never be boring. Henry is guy for you if you’re up for an adventure and a possible break in at McEwan Hall – what a story to tell the grand-kids.
Whether you think you’ve found your perfect date in Hannah, Liam, Izzy or Henry or you now feel inspired to find you very own Valentine's – it's not too late to sweep someone off their feet this year.
If you want to ask any of them out on a date send a message to The Tab Edinburgh Facebook page or send an email to [email protected].