Image may contain: Parade, Crowd, Person, People, Human

All of the best signs from day one of Edinburgh’s pension strikes

All that glitters isn’t USS pension reform

Edinburgh's UCU strikes may have started a week later than other universities across the country, but staff and students have wasted no time in getting their message across.

Today's UCU rally of support saw a particularly positive turnout, as supporters listened to speeches from the likes of rector candidate Ann Henderson and, as you will see, got particularly creative with their signs.

Image may contain: People, Person, Parade, Human, Crowd

"All that glitters isn't USS pension reform."

"Possible exam question: How can industrial action empower change?"

Image may contain: Toy, Teddy Bear, Parade, Crowd, Person, People, Human

A protesting pupper

Image may contain: Parade, Crowd, Person, People, Human

If I could turn back time staff wouldn't be losing £10k a year

Image may contain: Brick, Poster, Collage, Text, Handwriting

Image may contain: Make Out, Parade, Crowd, Person, People, Human

Not today, satan, not today