Edinburgh’s Singles of the Week: Christmas Miracles
No more lonely Christmasses
The Christmas markets have started, you can hear the faint chime of Jingle Bells in the distance, and you’re wondering when it's socially acceptable to whip out that cosy Christmas jumper.
The start of the festive season means an endless soiree of social events, Christmas drinks and cosy Sundays spent watching old movies and eating Quality Street.
So, if you don’t want to be left doing a Bridget Jones, spending your Christmas explaining to distant relatives that you’re still single, then look no further. It's Singles of the Week.
Meme Saigol, 2nd Year, Economics and Finance
How would you sum up your relationship history in a song?
Bad Decisions – Ariana Grande
If you could live anywhere but the UK, where would you live?
New York (in a penthouse)
Do you have a type?
Anyone with good taste in music and food.
Best chat up line?
“I’m the meme you’ve been looking for”.
Someone you’d love to take for dinner?
Someone who’d take me for dessert after.
How would you sum yourself up in a drink?
Hanky Panky.
What’s in your Tinder bio?
“The Dankest Meme you ever saw”.
You’re stuck in a lift – what song do you not mind having on repeat?
Odd Look – Kavinsky ft. The Weekend.
How would your friends describe you in three words?
Crazy, annoying, kind of funny (sometimes).
What’s the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A lifetime supply of sushi.
Fancy a sushi date followed by dessert? Still looking for that perfect meme? Or just a little hanky panky? Meme’s just looking for someone with a good taste in music – surely that’s not too much to ask for?
Marni Rose McFall, 2nd Year, English Language and Literature
Where are we most likely to find you?
In bed, asleep.
How would you sum up your relationship history in a song?
Thank u, next.
Do you have a type?
Tall, dark hair, skinny, musician.
Someone you’d love to take for dinner?
Taylor Swift.
How would you sum yourself up in a drink?
Amaretto sour.
You’re stranded on a desert island. What item do you bring?
A good (long) book.
You’re stuck in a lift – what song do you not mind having on repeat?
She’s Leaving Home – The Beatles.
Any dating deal breakers?
Being a Tory, having no chat or sense of humour, and smelling bad.
How would your friends describe you in three words?
Caring, fierce & smart.
What’s the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
Louis Vuitton classic tote bag
Are you tall, dark, handsome and happen to be in a band? Or looking for a left-leaning girl? With a love for Louis Vuitton and all things superficially blonde and pink, then look no further.
Callum Sibley, 3rd year Sports and Recreation Management
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
Surely it has to be Roger Federer. The man is possibly the coolest human being to ever have lived, and an absolute GOAT of the sporting world.
Where are we most likely to find you?
Come exam time you would find me on the fourth floor of the library, but otherwise I spend my time in Prow every single week, without fail, as much as it pains me to say it.
What was your dream job when you were little?
I know most sporty lads like myself would normally say footballer, but from a young age I wanted to be a teacher. It seems really weird to me now, but for some reason it was something that just stuck in my head throughout school.
If you could live anywhere but the UK, where would you live?
Hong Kong is a pretty sick place, and I wouldn’t mind living there. Or South Africa would be an insane place to live.
Biggest fashion regret?
The treble tramlines on the side of my head.
Do you have a type?
Someone who has a cool dress sense definitely.
What’s something you think everyone should experience at least once?
This is an easy one – watching Ian Bell hit a cover drive for four. It’s quite possibly one of the most beautiful things to ever see.
How would you sum yourself up in a drink?
A venom. It's a real mixture of things, very Scottish, and although it doesn’t look exactly great on the outside, it's actually not that bad once you try it.
How would your friends describe you in three words?
Scottish, belter, thiccc.
What’s the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A flat in Marchmont, purely so I don’t have to pay any more extortionate rent for the rest of uni. I'd also invest it in the love of my life – Heart of Midlothian football club.
So if you feel like you are willing to excuse the tramlines, can compete with his devotion to Midlothian football, and fancy a trip to South Africa, then maybe Callum’s the one for you.
Frazer Campbell, 2nd Year, History and Archaeology.
How would you sum up your relationship history in a song?
Seek and Destroy by Metallica.
Last series you binge watched?
Limmy's Show.
What was your dream job when you were little?
Do you have a type?
I have type 1 diabetes, but that's about it.
You’re stranded on a desert island – what item do you bring?
A boat.
You’re stuck in a lift – what song do you not mind having on repeat?
Just a fog horn on repeat.
Any dating deal breakers?
They have to do a good impression of Donald Duck.
What movie always puts you in a good mood?
Hot Fuzz.
How would your friends describe you in three words?
Rocket propelled grenade.
What’s the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
A Mars bar.
With no clear type and simple tastes, Frazer doesn’t seem to be too picky. So if you’re looking for someone down to earth, then brush up on your Disney impressions. Who knows – you could be the Gwen Stacey to his Spiderman?