Take The Tab Edinburgh’s sexual assault survey 2020

Help speak out about sexual misconduct at the University

In the wake of the allegations put forward by the Instagram account “St Andrew’s Survivors,” significant attention has been drawn to sexual assault in University settings.

A similar account has emerged specifically for students living in Edinburgh. “Edi_Anonymous” has nearly 2,000 followers and aims to provide a space for students to anonymously share their experiences of sexual harassment and assault throughout the city. The posts cover everything from sexual assault to gas lighting. One of the posts even alleged an incident of stealthing between a student and a university staff member.

In order to gain a better understanding of sexual harassment throughout the University of Edinburgh, The Tab Edinburgh has partnered with the admins of “Edi_anonymous” to create the following survey to catalogue the experiences of Edinburgh students.

Your answers are anonymous and will never be linked back to you, although please be aware that they may be quoted in a future article.

Information and support for students experiencing any form of sexual misconduct are available through the University Advice Place. 

Take the survey below: