Subway saves the day: The return of Clubbers of the Week
Socially distanced, yet sexy
On Friday night, Subway Cowgate, the heart and soul of Edinburgh nightlife, returned to our lives after what feels like decades. Freshly rebranded and fully compliant with the updated Scottish guidelines on seeing friends and family, Subway Social opened its doors to the public and, oh boy, did it not disappoint. Scroll on to ogle over the fresh new interiors and same old faces…
Stunner of the week

It would be rude not to award Subway Social itself this much-coveted title. What a beauty

How could such perfectly pink hair not win Stunner?

The LinkedIn profile pic of your dreams
Third wheel of the week

Nice try mate

Being sidelined by the photographer himself has gotta hurt
Unhappy clubber of the week

Some of us emerged from lockdown stronger, others weaker

That feeling when Learn is down on the first day of uni
Heroes of the week

Why catch corona when you can catch your friend falling off the bench instead?

The stuff legends are made of

Disasters come in threes (or groups over six people if you’re talking to Nicola)

Our queens
Social distancers of the week

I can’t tell if he is social distancing, or distancing himself from me socially

Maybe VKs are the antidote
Wholesome content of the week

The most wholesome of reunions

I’m stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with youuuu

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
Peace of the week

No night is too busy for the mighty Subway staff

Get out of my shot
Creeper of the week

Blue steel, but make it creepy
Album cover of the week

Can anyone hear Lil Jon going off in the background
Best of the rest

But for real, what does human contact even feel like?

Subway was so lit she needed sunglasses indoors

Cheers to freedom (whilst it lasts)

Am I still drunk enough to have triple vision

Hold Me While You Wait (for the next round of Clubbers of the Week)
Photo credits: Neil Stewart