Exebay: Student exchange

Harry Penrose sat down with Ben Heininger, who is behind the latest business venture to come out of Exeter’s undergraduate pool.

‘Exebay’ is an online classified advert section geared towards helping Exeter students buy and sell to and from each other more easily. The site – www.exebay.com – will act as a hosting forum for students looking to sell unwanted TVs, crockery, books or anything else.

Ben is optimistic about his new venture, as there currently isn’t such a specific offering serving the market at present, and while all transactions will be between Exeter inhabitants, P&P charges will be eliminated, adding further transparency and clarity to dealings between users.

While the sale won’t be conducted on Exebay, the site acts as a medium for buyers and seller to find each other more easily, widening the potential market for your item to further than word of mouth can get you and beyond your extended network of friends, while still remaining exclusive to Exeter.

Listing on Exebay is free for items of less than £50 value, while more expensive items will incur an insertion fee of just 5% of their listing value.

However Exebay doesn’t end with second hand items, as a high number of predicted hits on the site pave the way for local businesses to use the site for targeted advertising and for student entrepreneurs to get the news about their business offerings out there to a relevant audience.

So if you’ve got some stuff lying around at home that you think students would find useful, why not bring it home after Easter and flog it on Exebay?!