Top 5 Ways To Ease Those Fresher Hangovers
Out every night, busy with sign ups and taster sessions during the day and of course, the added pressure of having to meet new people and to summon up a bit […]
Out every night, busy with sign ups and taster sessions during the day and of course, the added pressure of having to meet new people and to summon up a bit of Dutch courage– sounds familiar? I mean I would say, “don’t drink,” but we all know that’s not going to happen!
Here are my top 5 tried and tested tips to help that hangover:
1) HAIR OF THE DOG. Not literally, this means drinking more the next morning and throughout the day. You’ve got to remember this will
only provide a short term numbing effect, and the inevitable thumping
headache and nausea will come back with vengeance. If you do insist
on drinking more, try and stay clear of dark spirits or red wine, these
drinks contain headache-causing chemicals called ‘congeners’. Bourbon
for instance contains 37 times more congeners than Vodka, massively
increasing nausea the next day.
2) SEX. It’s not necessarily going to get rid of that headache; in fact it’ll
probably make it worse. But if you happened to get lucky the night before
and he/she is still around the next morning – have sex (well try at least)!
Firstly it’ll burn calories and secondly it’ll help sweat out some of that
alcohol as well as taking your mind off how bad you actually feel!
3) GRUB. It’s what you eat before and after drinking that can determine
the life of that hangover. Greasy food is best, so if possible head to the
Impy and grab yourself a £5 burger and pint before heading out and then
some cheesy chips or a doner kebab at the ‘Golden Horn’ upon your
return. I wouldn’t recommend stumbling through your front door and
then trying to get clever in the kitchen – it could end badly! But if you
must, try cooking some bacon and eggs. Eggs contain cysteine aiding the
breakdown of toxins in your liver and bacon contains essential amino
acids helping to repair those severely depleted neuro-transmitters.
Science lesson over.
4) WATER. It should really be number one but that would be boring!
Downing a pint of water when you get back home is seriously going
to help you the next morning. The diuretic effect of alcohol can leave
your body pretty thirsty. Make this a post lash ritual. Small amounts of
electrolytes are also lost after a heavy night so isotonic drinks such as
Lucozade or Gatorade can also give you that helping hand.
5) ‘DON’T DRINK TOO MUCH.’ Probably this expression was drilled
numerous times into your head by your mum on the journey down to
Exeter whilst you were wedged into a car filled to the brim with things
you will never use? She’s right though you know; prevention is the
number one cure. Try and limit your drinks to 1-2 (3,4,5,6…) an hour and
maybe remember to have a glass of water with each one. It will help. If
you don’t want to follow any of that, see above.