In Pictures: EUMHC Varsity

See the best pictures from EUMHC’s Varsity game versus University of Birmingham Hockey Club.


The crowd watches the two teams warm-up.

University of Birmingham Hockey Clun (UOBHC).

Exeter University Men’s Hockey Club (EUMHC).

A 650-strong crowd turned up to watch the game.

After good passages of play from both sides, the scores remained 0 – 0.

EUMHC attack UOBHC’s D (1/3)

EUMHC attack UOBHC’s D (2/3)

EUMHC attack UOBHC’s D (3/3)

With the score still 0 – 0, the crowd watch on intently.

EUMHC search for an opening in UOBHC’s midfield.

UOBHC earn themselves a penalty corner.

Minutes later, EUMHC earn their first penalty corner of the game.

Unfortunately, they failed to convert.

At half-time, the scores remained 0 – 0.

EUMHC get some flares going for some half-time entertainment.

Loving the pink jumper, mate.

EUMHC’s half-time entertainment: Beat the Goalie.

Vice-Captain Tom Appleby talks to Club Captain Sam Plater.

Former EUMHC Club Captain Andrew Miller.

The EUMHC ball boys.

With half-time over, the second half begins.

Early in the second half, EUMHC defend their D.

Chanting all game, EUMHC members look on.

Following a foot on the line, UOBHC receive a penalty flick.

UOBHC’s penalty corner (1/4).

UOBHC’s penalty corner (2/4).

UOBHC’s penalty corner (3/4).

UOBHC’s penalty corner (4/4).

EUMHC’s man on the megaphone.

UOBHC’s second goal (1/3).

UOBHC’s second goal (2/3).

UOBHC’s second goal (3/3).

Gareth Davies with, judging from the smiles, his Dad.

After the final whistle, UOBHC celebrate their 2 – 1 victory.