Exeter Burglaries On The Up

Burglaries are on the up, targeting student properties in Exeter

The number of burglaries has risen since students have returned from the Christmas break with expensive gifts.

Student properties are more likely to be targeted, as burglars will prey on houses with doors or windows that are open or unsecured.

VP Welfare and Community Chris Rootkin urges students to treat the security of their home and belongings as a priority: “Many burglaries and thefts can be prevented with simple measures.

A prime example of a cat burglar

“Don’t leave valuable items like phones, tablets and bicycles on show near windows or doors.

“These items can also be security marked by the University’s community wardens and registered with police to increase the chance of getting them back if they are stolen.”

The local police urge that if you see anything suspicious in your neighbourhood, you should call them on 101, and potentially prevent another burglary for your fellow students.